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PIERRE – Outdoor enthusiasts can keep up-to-date on South Dakota’s hunting, fishing, camping and other outdoor topics via computer.

"Information on what is happening in South Dakota’s outdoors is only a couple mouse clicks away," said Game, Fish and Parks (GFP) Information Officer John Forney. "People can go online and target either the free weekly GFP News and/or subscribe to the bimonthly South Dakota Conservation Digest magazine."

To access the weekly GFP News, folks can enter the GFP website homepage at [url ""][font "Arial"][#800080][/#800080][/font][/url][font "Arial"] and click on the link to "Get the latest GFP News."

"From there, visitors have access to the most current news issue that is published each Wednesday," Forney noted. "Other links on this webpage lead people to past issues of the GFP News, as well as give them the option of subscribing electronically, which lets them receive the free weekly news directly to their computer."

To subscribe electronically to the GFP News, Forney directs folks to the GFP homepage at [/font][url ""][font "Arial"][#800080][/#800080][/font][/url][font "Arial"], click on the link to "Get the latest GFP News," then click on the link titled "subscribe/unsubscribe." From there, a person chooses the link to "join or leave the list," enters their e-mail address and clicks on "join the list."

"A confirmation e-mail will be immediately sent asking the subscriber to acknowledge the subscription by clicking on a link in the e-mail," Forney said. "Once a person has clicked on that link in the e-mail confirmation, they are successfully subscribed." He added that if one ever needs to change their e-mail address or unsubscribe, they should enter by the same pathway and click on ‘leave the list.’

Another source of South Dakota’s outdoor information is through the Game, Fish and Parks South Dakota Conservation Digest magazine. The popular bimonthly magazine sells affordably at $5 per year or three years for $12.

"To subscribe to the digest via computer, one should enter the GFP homepage at [/font][url ""][font "Arial"][#800080][/#800080][/font][/url][font "Arial"] and click on ‘Shopping,’" said GFP Information Officer Amy Brady. From there, click on the link titled "Items for Sale," then look for the link to purchase the magazine for one or three years. Visa, MasterCard and Discover are accepted.[/font]

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