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A Friday on the Stream
It was about 12:30 noon on Friday and I had just had it with the warm weather and stress. So I started my weekend a little early and took the shortish drive out to Diamond Fork, I netted 14 and all were decent sized between 6 and 10 inches. I had my camera with me and made a little edit of the evening. Enjoy! [bobWink]
I couldn't seem to see any link or video...
I got you pal sorry I'm new to this fourm so I don't quite know how/why the link didn't post but it's there now!
I'm heading up there on Thursday what where you using? In going above the camp ground not sure where you went but I usually have better luck above there using a size 12 bhprince.
I was fishing almost exclusively dries, size 10-16 (I know a wide range) stimulators. The olive stimulator size 14 seemed to do the best. Thats what I hooked that last one in the video on. I also ran a rust zebra midge size 18-20 dropper in the deep holes and that worked pretty good, prince nymph would probably have worked really good too. I also used a tan elk hair really late which got me two or three.

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