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CJ strike in the morning
Taking my daughter fishing at CJ strike tomorrow morning. Going to try to get there around 8 or 9.

Anyone have some tips for a location? Was planning on going to Cottonwood area and try there. Anyone have some other places I could try from shore if nothing is biting there?
If you're in a boat, the narrows were producing fish from one end to the other. Last Sunday, the perch were deep biting very soft. I drifted through the cottonwood area in between boats and never got a bite or seen anyone catch a fish. Warmer weather could have that area turned on more this week. Most fish were full of eggs.
106 boats in the narrows so far today.
There were a lot of people there today. All the docks at the marina looking thing at Cottonwood were occupied.

The boat ramps looked pretty crowded, parking was almost at a premium. Didn't see many catching much.

I caught a crapload of ticks. Little bastards are thick. Step in a tuft of grass, you are gonna find a tick crawling on you.

Nothing doing for me. One weak bite.

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