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Im looking for a referral for a good boat motor mechanic close to the Salt Lake Valley, it could be a shop or an individual. I have a 1979 Mercury 200 outboard. Its been a great motor and owes me nothing, but it has become a little cranky. My only request is that they are sharp and fair.
Thanks for any recommendations.
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Send Geezer a PM, he can help. He is good with motors.
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Take it to Lee's Marine in Hyrum. The drive is longer but you won't regret taking it to Lee. How many mechanics have called you several times to make sure the adjustment he made on your outboard worked for you? Lee has done that multiple times for me and has then stayed on the line to walk me though fine tuning adjustments. He is totally honest and as competent as they come.
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I agree with kentofns! I drive 3.5 hours to go to Lee best boat mechanic out there
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Lee's marina is without a doubt the best when it come to going to a full time boat mechanic but if you want someone that is a BFT member, that works from his home, in addition to Geezer, that Albinotrout recommended, you should also try [url ";pg=user_profile_view.html;username=mtncat1"]mtcat1[/url], Rich is a full time mechanic, that lives in the SLC area.
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I agree with going to Lee's in Hyrum.
I know it's out of your way but you will like the results.
I have tried several boat shops in the Ogden area and I always go back up to Lee's.
Do it soon though. He will be getting busy very soon.
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One more vote for Lee! I'm 3 1/2 hours away, and don't even hesitate. 435-245-7727. What's a couple hours for a sure-thing, best Merc. mechanic anywhere?
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Thanks for the replies and referrals, I'm impressed at so much feedback in such a short amount of time. It's nice to know of someone local and I will keep their references in my back pocket.
I hadn't heard of Lee's and I especially appreciate the multiple replies recommending him. Its easy to put stock in something when so many people say the same thing. I'm willing to drive a couple of hours for quality work.
Years and years ago I had this motor worked on at Pier 84. When I got it back, I wasn't impressed, it was missing 500 rpm on the top end. Since then I had Walton Marine work on it. Walton always made it work or told me how to, but never had any interest in getting the rpm's back that were lost. Whenever I inquired about more rpm he would tell me "my son this is not a racing machine", that of course was the way Walton was.
Again thank you all for your feedback, it will be nice to build trust in someone new that does great work.
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I had problems with my 1975 Johnson last summer. At the suggestion of all these guys on this forum, I bit the bullet and drove up to Lee's in Hyrum. I was very satisfied, and have absolute confidence in them. I wouldn't take a motor anywhere else.