07-09-2012, 12:39 AM
Panama Fishing Report
June 28th, 2012
Come Fish Panama Lodge
This weeks Angler Daniel Zovich who came down from NorCal to Offshore Sports Fish with us at Come Fish Panama was looking to target Yellowfin Tuna. After reading many of our Fishing Reports he was pretty stoked to get a line wet and couldn't wait to get down here..
Let's just start off by saying that we were glad to hook him up and have him here Offshore Fishing off the Northwestern Coast of Panama.
Once on board the "Sweet Leilani" we quickly caught our bait (blue runners) and start heading offshore looking for the Tuna. Our original plan was to head straight to either Isla Montuosa or the Famous Hannibal Bank to get Daniel right into the action but the plan changed on the way out, the dolphin and birds were working the area around The Triangle so we quickly tossed out a live blue runner (Cojinoa) to see if the Tuna were lurking below.
Sure enough, the Shimano Tiagra 30 wide started to scream with the rod/reel in hand and all we had to do was lock and load and Daniel was on.. This was a repeat process Tuna after Tuna after Tuna until we decided to change it up on him so we withdrew a Live Bonito out of the Tuna Tubes which we caught earlier and maintained fresh.
We rigged him tossed him over and slow trolled him over the pod of dolphin that were slamming the squid. The nervous bonito didn't last long in the big blue ocean, a nice size Yellowfin looking to feed decided he needed a quick meal but Daniel had other plan's which was the reason why he came to Panama.... Once making sure that the Tuna engulfed his free meal, Daniel had a fully bent rod and the fight was on!!!! After an Epic battle and Tuna boat side, mate Turo of CFP placed a nice gaff shot and held him against the boat so we can finally bring him up on Rail.
Once again to get a Full Tuna Fishing Experience here at Come Fish Panama we changed up our tactic's on the Yellowfin and to give Daniel an opportunity to Popper Fish with Spinning Gear on Tuna.
We pulled out a Shimano Saragosa 14000F with 65pd Power Pro Braid fully loaded for a Med. tackle outfit for him. Normally we will take out the big gun Stella's but noticing that Daniel has his game down so we opted to see how he like's the action on medium tackle.
He enjoyed the challenge and after boating a couple more Yellowfin on Popper as the photo's below illustrate we thought maybe we would start the jig method on Tuna. But after asking him if he prefers other pelagic's which he did we stored the Tuna Gear away and headed to Wahoo Wonder for a little Hoo' Fishing.
Once arriving Wahoo Wonder and throwing out our Hoo' lures, we had a different visitor looking for a meal. A nice size Bull Dorado came in and started to peel line off the back rig and made a spectacular jump port side which I wish I had my camera at the time. After bring him on board I changed 2 of the 5 lures knowing that Mahi were in town.. Sure enough the Dorado were in Wahoo County and we were able to hook Daniel up with a couple more just before the day came to a close....
We would like to thank Daniel for his time down here with us this week and for choosing to fish with us here at Come Fish Panama. To view more action photo's of Daniel's Adventure here in Panama visit us at www.facebook.com/comefishpanama where each week we update our FB site with new Anglers holding on to a bent rod..
From all of us here at Come Fish Panama we look forward to hopefully seen you here fishing off the Coast of Panama with us in the near future...
Feel free to e-mail us and Capt. Charlie Joyner who is in the U.S. will be glad to contact you via phone, skype, or e-mail to provide you with all the information you will need to get hooked up in Angler Paradise- Panama.
Tight Lines from Tropical Panama,
Avid Angler/Owner
Capt. Kerry H. Leggett
Panama Tip- If your planning a trip down here and want to troll for Tuna, Wahoo or Mahi look into the 3.5 Top Gun Feather Lure made by Darrell P. over at http://www.Ballyhood.com make sure he rigs it with cable if your chasing Hoo'. This is a go to Lure and all my customers now friends love it and are a firm believer.
June 28th, 2012
Come Fish Panama Lodge
This weeks Angler Daniel Zovich who came down from NorCal to Offshore Sports Fish with us at Come Fish Panama was looking to target Yellowfin Tuna. After reading many of our Fishing Reports he was pretty stoked to get a line wet and couldn't wait to get down here..
Let's just start off by saying that we were glad to hook him up and have him here Offshore Fishing off the Northwestern Coast of Panama.
Once on board the "Sweet Leilani" we quickly caught our bait (blue runners) and start heading offshore looking for the Tuna. Our original plan was to head straight to either Isla Montuosa or the Famous Hannibal Bank to get Daniel right into the action but the plan changed on the way out, the dolphin and birds were working the area around The Triangle so we quickly tossed out a live blue runner (Cojinoa) to see if the Tuna were lurking below.
Sure enough, the Shimano Tiagra 30 wide started to scream with the rod/reel in hand and all we had to do was lock and load and Daniel was on.. This was a repeat process Tuna after Tuna after Tuna until we decided to change it up on him so we withdrew a Live Bonito out of the Tuna Tubes which we caught earlier and maintained fresh.
We rigged him tossed him over and slow trolled him over the pod of dolphin that were slamming the squid. The nervous bonito didn't last long in the big blue ocean, a nice size Yellowfin looking to feed decided he needed a quick meal but Daniel had other plan's which was the reason why he came to Panama.... Once making sure that the Tuna engulfed his free meal, Daniel had a fully bent rod and the fight was on!!!! After an Epic battle and Tuna boat side, mate Turo of CFP placed a nice gaff shot and held him against the boat so we can finally bring him up on Rail.
Once again to get a Full Tuna Fishing Experience here at Come Fish Panama we changed up our tactic's on the Yellowfin and to give Daniel an opportunity to Popper Fish with Spinning Gear on Tuna.
We pulled out a Shimano Saragosa 14000F with 65pd Power Pro Braid fully loaded for a Med. tackle outfit for him. Normally we will take out the big gun Stella's but noticing that Daniel has his game down so we opted to see how he like's the action on medium tackle.
He enjoyed the challenge and after boating a couple more Yellowfin on Popper as the photo's below illustrate we thought maybe we would start the jig method on Tuna. But after asking him if he prefers other pelagic's which he did we stored the Tuna Gear away and headed to Wahoo Wonder for a little Hoo' Fishing.
Once arriving Wahoo Wonder and throwing out our Hoo' lures, we had a different visitor looking for a meal. A nice size Bull Dorado came in and started to peel line off the back rig and made a spectacular jump port side which I wish I had my camera at the time. After bring him on board I changed 2 of the 5 lures knowing that Mahi were in town.. Sure enough the Dorado were in Wahoo County and we were able to hook Daniel up with a couple more just before the day came to a close....
We would like to thank Daniel for his time down here with us this week and for choosing to fish with us here at Come Fish Panama. To view more action photo's of Daniel's Adventure here in Panama visit us at www.facebook.com/comefishpanama where each week we update our FB site with new Anglers holding on to a bent rod..
From all of us here at Come Fish Panama we look forward to hopefully seen you here fishing off the Coast of Panama with us in the near future...
Feel free to e-mail us and Capt. Charlie Joyner who is in the U.S. will be glad to contact you via phone, skype, or e-mail to provide you with all the information you will need to get hooked up in Angler Paradise- Panama.
Tight Lines from Tropical Panama,
Avid Angler/Owner
Capt. Kerry H. Leggett
Panama Tip- If your planning a trip down here and want to troll for Tuna, Wahoo or Mahi look into the 3.5 Top Gun Feather Lure made by Darrell P. over at http://www.Ballyhood.com make sure he rigs it with cable if your chasing Hoo'. This is a go to Lure and all my customers now friends love it and are a firm believer.