09-11-2003, 03:02 PM
Today marks the 2 year anniversary of the cowardly attack by the terrosist on the Twin Towers of New York.[]
Alot of us here in California were not directly involved yet we will the sorrow, pain and anger about our country being attacked and the loss of so many Americans.
I encourage everyone to take a moment of silence today and maybe say alitte prayer for the families couping with there losses and to be thankful that we live in such a strong and wonderful country.
God Bless America!
Alot of us here in California were not directly involved yet we will the sorrow, pain and anger about our country being attacked and the loss of so many Americans.
I encourage everyone to take a moment of silence today and maybe say alitte prayer for the families couping with there losses and to be thankful that we live in such a strong and wonderful country.
God Bless America!