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Orchard Lake & Reed Lake-Oakland County
[size 1]I have been catching alot out on orchard lake. The other night I

caught one 2lb, 15" bass right under that tree, 3 feet from shore

by the boat dock. Mainly though I have been fishing out in the

weeds.I am kind of new to fishing and finding my way around

Oakland County by map.

I saw a lake called Reed Lake, and was wondering if someone could help me find my way in there?I have a small portable canoe I would like to use. I have a small portable canoe that I have been using. I drove around the border of Reed Lake and through the park to the North but could not figure out how to get in without going through someone's back yard.

> Thanks for reading this, and thanks to LoneHunter and all for a great board.

> Tracy[/size]
reed lake is a semi privet lake, meaning it is open to residents of commerce twp and members of the gun club located on the lake.

if you are a resident you can enter through the park on the south side. you will have to carry your ride a hundred yards to launch it.

no moters are allowed other than electric trolling.

if you are not a resident the oakland county police will ask you to leave.

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