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CJ Strike - black sands

very very good day fishing past the lodge, halfway to the dam. We got bass, huge bluegill, decent perch, and my very first crappie!! No cats or trout but I don't mind, very productive and enjoyable day! Get out there before it's too cold to be enjoyable Big Grin
Three of us fished the narrows and clear into the bruneu arm where the water is only 8ft deep. Caught a few small small bass, and two that were close to 11 inches. No crappie , blugill, or perch. Not very good fishing in my book.
There was a bass tournament there, and I talked to a couple of the guys. They agreed that it was not very good fishing. I sat for 2 hrs among 4 bass boats and never saw a single fish pulled in.
Must have been my lucky day lol I caught 4 times as many fish as anyone else but I think I just caught on to their game. 1/16 white jig with cocktail shrimp for the bass, red crappie nibbles for bluegill, and a tiny piece of cut bait for the perch.

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