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2000 Mercury 75hp 4 stroke HELP!!!
Hello all you boat mechanics. I have a problem! I have a 16' tracker with a 2000 Mercury 75HP 4 stroke motor. last time I was out, it started perfect Idled good. However, when I gave it gas past 1/4 throttle it would choke out and die? the boat will not get up on plane? I am a new boat owner, so I am coming here for some help or a good mechanic that I can hire to get it fixed.

I have the same boat, same motor, and had the same problem. New fuel filter fixed 'er.
Try it, only a few bucks for a filter.

Good luck.
I got a new fuel filter and went back out and was still having the same problem?? I wonder if there is a block or something that is not letting the gas get to the engine? Thanks for the help.
[quote Mr._Rogers] last time I was out, it started perfect Idled good. However, when I gave it gas past 1/4 throttle it would choke out and die? the boat will not get up on plane? [/quote]
I'm having the same problem with my boat. I called a local boat repair shop and was told it was likely a carb issue and I was looking at 300 to $400 or more in repairs. I really don't want to invest that much right now so here is what I plan on doing.
1. I'm going to get fresh fuel, 2 or 3 gallons at the most and mix a whole can(16 oz) of Sea Foam in with it. I'm going to take it out this weekend and run it for an hour or so and see if that will help. The repair shop said the carbs were likely gummed up.
2. If my 1st idea doesn't work, I plan on changing spark plugs and disconnecting my fuel line where it connects to the fuel pump and check and see if that line is clogged or there is gunk in the diapham at the pump.
3. If none of these ideas work I might brake down and take it to the shop but I'll check for some other ideas first just to make sure there isn't another answer to this problem[Wink].

One question about your problem , how long had the motor set since the last time you used it?
Does the prime bulb pump good and hard and stay hard after it has been running? Carefully check your entire fuel line for leaks at every joint to make certain no air is being pulled in. Is there an air vent to the tank that is plugged or needs to be opened during operation? Is there a choke that is sticking closed after using it to start the boat?

Has it ran properly for you in the past or been this way since you bought it?
Is this motor a EFI or is it carbureted? When was the last time it ran good for you?
Thanks again for your help. The boat had sat for about 3-4 years before I bought it. We had it hooked up to the hose and it was running really good. When we got it out on the lake we couldnt get it past 1/4 throttle without it choking out. This is my first boat I have owned so I dont know if there is a air valve I need to open in the gas tank. Or what? The bulb when I prim it goes hard but it doesnt stay hard? Once I start it and get to my location, we would stop and fish then when i primed it to start it again it was soft? I am not sure if it is and EFI or a Carbureted? How could you tell? Or what is the difference? We have never had the boat running up at full throttle on the lake only on the hose. Thanks
Whether it is carburetor or EFI it is probably a fuel system issue. If it is carbureted it will probably need the carbs rebuilt. When doing the carbs on these engine you have to use a vacuummate to sync the carbs. If it is efi it probably needs an electric fuel pump and possible injectors cleaned.
It could be an airlock
try wrapping a wet rag around the primer bulb to keep the fuel line cool.

it helps on my merc kicker motor hopefully it will help you
Call me Thursday if you don't get things sorted before then- my phone number is in my signature, and I'll try to come over and see if I can help you get it working. Is there any chance you have a service manual, or could get one by then? That would be a huge help in trouble shooting the problem. Call the local marine stores to find one if you can.

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