10-28-2001, 10:55 PM
South Carolina Weekly Shallow Saltwater Fishing Report<br>Week of 10-21-01 through 10-27-01<br><br>Of the four trips this week, two were pretty good and the other two were not so hot. The best day had 7 reds and 4 trout. The reds were all around the 6 to 9 pound size and the trout were all about 2 pounds each. The next day had 6 reds and one small bluefish. It was a husband and wife team that day, and the reds were from 2 pounds up to 8 pounds each. We also broke a couple off in the tall grass. One of the poor days, we simply quit early and came home with out ever getting a bite and on the other, we caught 1 red, 2 flounder and 2 trout. In some of the flats we fish, I’ve found the water as cold as 55 degrees early in the mornings before the sun gets up and warms things a bit. The main bodies of water seem to be around the 60 to 65 degree mark. If this cooling trend continues, the fish will start to “bunch up” and the shrimp will leave inshore waters for the offshore areas and deep holes. Then, the fishing will get into the normal Fall/Winter pattern where we see bigger schools of fish that are feeding almost all of the time. Hopefully the weather will ease up a bit and let us have a decent Fall, without all the wind we’ve been having this year. A couple of buddies that fish the surf regularly have been having a really good time of it lately. Some really big reds, 35 to 55 pounds have been caught during these Northeasters we’ve been having lately. It’s hard fishing, but if you like really big fish, that’s always been a good way to catch them. I’ve also been hearing that a large number of small reds are being caught on cut bait. I hope the ones catching them will take a little extra time when unhooking them so that they are put back in good health. It does no one any good to kill a good fish just to retrieve a 10 cent hook! Please, take a little time with the small, and large ones to see that they are sent back to fight another day.<br><br>Totals for the week were: reds totaled 14 with the largest at 9# and the trout totaled 6 with two around the 2 ½ # size. Also, 2 flounder and a small blue were caught.<br><br>Thanks, Gene Dickson<br>Delta Guide Service http://www.deltaguideservice.com<br>Georgetown, SC<br>1-843-546-3645<br><br>Our new e-mail address is: Delta-Guide-Service@sc.rr.com<br><br><br>We are a saltwater fishing guide service located on the coast of South Carolina.