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costa rica
I will be in costa rica the week of june26 and was wanting to surf fish around the coco area of the north pacific. need help on how to fish bait tackle any other ideas. thanks
our pacific salt water fishing expert it on the california board. He dose travel a bit.

user name Tubn2, feel free to ask questions on the [url "gforum.cgi?forum=13"][#314fb1]California Fishing General[/#314fb1][/url] , you are sure to get a few tips from there.

you'll want to bring some sabikis to catch sardines or blue runners, some 8/0 light wire circle hooks and 60lb leader.

fish the livies in the river mouth and along the coast for roosters and snook. if you can't get livebait, throw plugs and jigs by casting almost parallel to the beach , don't be afraid to work right up into the breakers with your artificials.

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