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The year is 1550
You are an Englishmen being dropped off in the new world to "check things out" and report back to King Edward. A ship will return for you in exactly one year. Approximate drop off location is modern day Boston. Drop off time will be fall.
Assume that you have a backpack of whatever clothing you want along with a good pair of boots. You will also have a couple days of food and water to start you out. ...AND NOTHING ELSE
You are now allowed to go to Gander MT, Dicks sporting goods or whatever other store you want in todays world and purchase 10 other things. Assume that if you buy a gun, bow or fishing rod, that it comes with a years worth of ammunition, arrows, and general fish tackle. (Only counts as one item) Buy anything you want but remember things like GPS satelittes and gas havn't been invented yet so buying a chainsaw or a GPS unit isn't going to help you much.
So.............what do you bring?
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Joined: Oct 2007
Now don't just scrolll though and see what everyone else is bringing. Try to come up with a list of your own before reading all the posts.
Have fun with it... include what type of fishing rod or gun. Add links to actual products online.
Ok... here is my list (i think)
1-GUN (My Remington 12 Guage w/scope, both riffle barrel and field barrel with assortment of slugs and field shot)
2-Sportsman Knife set (Something similar to this) [url ""][/url]
3-Rope [url ""][/url]
4-Iron Kettle/Pot [url ""][/url]
5-Fishing Rod/Tackle
7-Spade Shovel
8-Sharpening Stone
9- Box of large ziplock plastic bags
10-Biggest BIC lighter or Box of matches I could find
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I would not need a girl frind cuz them indian girls are just so darn qute.
I would not need a gun, wild game was plentyfull at the time and had no real fear of man.
I would not need a fishing pole cuz the fish in the river are plentyfull and stocking up on salmon would be a breeze with a spear
I would not need a cumpas because the ocean is always where the sun rises.
a boey knife would be nice, but it wouldnt be invented for another 200 years
I would not want any blankets because they would bump off my indian girlfriend
Lets start,
[ol][li]first lets have some luxuray, Item one, spice, one pound each sugar pepper and 10 pounds of salt for curing and drying meat and fish.[/li][li]Next item would be a knife of some sort, it would be my primary tool of survival, it would make my bow arrows spears and traps for fish and othe wild life. It would also be used for cutting tall grass to line my shelter for winter[/li][li]A fair lenth of rope would tide me off till I learned the terrain and was able to find materials to make my own rope.[/li][li]A shovel, it would aid in making traps and building shelter[/li][li]an axe, again for shelter and buchering and building survival tools.[/li][li]Flint rock for starting fires[/li][li]a prospectors pan, for cooking and for prospecting for gold[/li][li]log book and ink for documenting my finds and special notes of intrest so in another 500 years I can make post on bft to discribe the hunting and fishing[/li][li]a canoe and paddle, to aid in my servance of the land with greater speed. In a pinch it can surve as a temp shelter from the eliments[/li][li]14 dollars worth of trinkets and beads, ya never know when you may want to buy an island[/li][/ol]