06-05-2009, 04:10 AM
well me and the kid headed out this afternoon to go fishing,stopped got some minnows and crawlers and picked up a buddy.we figured we would head to oscoda try our luck over there.well most the afternoon was spent moving from place to place and throwing everything we had out and nothing.well we ended up at the footesite dam on the ausable river near oscoda ,couldn't walk the rail because of construction they are doing to it so we went down stream a little ways below the dam ,the water was low so we was able to sit below this 10 ft bank on a bend with a descent sized hole.well we threw everything out and nothing, but round 5 pm up in the trees in the water we started hitting rock bass. alot of small ones threw back but ended up with 15 descent sized ones before we had to leave.got home and the kids asks if id show him how to fillet the fish,he wanted to do his own.so i had him watch me do a couple explaining what i was doing ,and his turn to fillet did pretty good job he got the whole fillet off in one piece and then took the fillet off the skin with no meat loss.i told him he did good job and now i got to get him his own knife he says hes gonna fillet his own fish from now on.