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tawas river
well the ole lady wanted to go shopping so she droped me and the kid off at the mouth of the tawas river.We were casting lures with no signs of fish and noone else around all of a sudden out of nowhere this garpike rolls in and just moseys along the bottom.He appeared to be round 30 inches,well me and the kids had lures crossing over, under,along side and in front of this thing and all he did was mosey along.So in short no fish caught but one sited.
way too kool, love them gar, didnt use to, that was till I caught me one...

[center][url ""][Image: long_nose_gar_pike_2.JPG][/url]
[left]they are tricky to hook, they like to roll when they hit, so the trick is to give them enuff room to do their thing,...
[left]so do live in or near town? Meaning can I get a report when those menomine come in? sorry, I spell no goot. [angelic]
dont get over there too much but i did see one today. the lures where darn near hitting him and he didnt even flinch just slowly swam around for a bit. I have never caught one myself but we were really just killing time while the ole lady shopped.
learned a trick on them gars that works every time..put a dead minnow on a hook with no weight..thel eat it up every time..there aint much to em but they sure do fight good..

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