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The Lake Champlain Fish and Wildlife Management Cooperative has announced the availability of a draft Strategic Plan for Lake Champlain Fisheries.

The Strategic Plan, which was prepared by the Cooperative's Fisheries Technical Committee, provides a framework for implementing the Cooperative's coordinated fisheries management programs. It outlines fish community goals and objectives and describes the role of each of the agencies.

The Strategic Plan is based on guiding principles for ecosystem management, sustainability, natural reproduction of native species, management of non-native and nuisance species, use of stocking, application of genetics, protection of habitats, use of science-based management, and management accountability, with specific reference to human dimensions of fisheries management.

The Cooperative, a partnership formed over three decades ago by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the states of New York and Vermont, provides direction for coordinated fish and wildlife programs in the Lake Champlain basin.

The draft Strategic Plan can be found online at the Cooperative's sea lamprey control web site ( Copies of the plan may also be obtained at the following locations:

· New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

Bureau of Fisheries

1115 Route 86

Ray Brook, NY 12977-0296


· Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife

10 South

103 South Main Street

Waterbury, VT 05671-0501


· U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Lake Champlain Office

11 Lincoln Street

Essex Junction, VT 05452


Written comments on the draft Strategic Plan can be provided until December 31, 2008, at or by writing to:

Bradley Young, Ph.D., Chair

Lake Champlain Fisheries Technical Committee

11 Lincoln Street

Essex Junction, Vermont 05452

Media Contact

Dave Tilton (USF&WS) 802-872-0629

Eric Palmer (VTF&W) 802-241-3700

Steve Hurst (NYSDEC) 518-402-8889


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