03-15-2009, 01:18 AM
When will the Michigan Department of Natural Resources get off it's lazy hind quarters and do studies here in Michigan pertaining to michigan fish and game ?
[url "http://www.michigan.gov/documents/dnr/PikePlan_270285_7.pdf"][/url][/url][/url][/url][/url][/url]http://www.michigan.gov/documents/dnr/PikePlan_270285_7.pdf[/url]
I have to express I'm feeling a little uneasy with the proposed regulations .
Nothing, and I say nothing is ever what the MiDNR states it is about . From what I have read it's all about "the Mi.DNR having "complete control" over lake access and usage .
Why would the Mi.DNR want this ?
The last few years several lakes in our area had the size and take limit lifted on pike .
The recent house bills introduced over the last decade to give local townships, cites , associations and yes , land developers control over lakes and rivers also raises a question on the motive behind the new proposals .
Another thing about this and other proposals that the Mi.DNR decides to act on have no valid information based on studies done in Michigan .
What are we paying these persons to do ? Read information over the net from studies done in other states and apply them to our geographic location ?
The CWD study from the western states , the NRC/Mi.DNR recommendation was to follow the western states bait ban plans that failed and was abandoned by those same states.
Not one study or follow-up on the decease from our DNR .
The only thing our states DNR did was apply for the additional federal funding to test for the non-existent CWD .
Now the DNR wants to make our pike and muskey as big as they grow in minnesota , unrealistic thinking , because this is michigan , not minnesota .
How much money is our state wasting to have someone sit on a computer doing out of state copy and paste research instead of being out in our state lands and waters doing what their job requires them to do , hands on research and studies .
I have a proposal the Michigan DNR needs to consider , the pay scale of the Mexico version of the DNR compared to the Michigan DNR pay scale .
[url "http://www.michigan.gov/documents/dnr/PikePlan_270285_7.pdf"][/url][/url][/url][/url][/url][/url]http://www.michigan.gov/documents/dnr/PikePlan_270285_7.pdf[/url]
I have to express I'm feeling a little uneasy with the proposed regulations .
Nothing, and I say nothing is ever what the MiDNR states it is about . From what I have read it's all about "the Mi.DNR having "complete control" over lake access and usage .
Why would the Mi.DNR want this ?
The last few years several lakes in our area had the size and take limit lifted on pike .
The recent house bills introduced over the last decade to give local townships, cites , associations and yes , land developers control over lakes and rivers also raises a question on the motive behind the new proposals .
Another thing about this and other proposals that the Mi.DNR decides to act on have no valid information based on studies done in Michigan .
What are we paying these persons to do ? Read information over the net from studies done in other states and apply them to our geographic location ?
The CWD study from the western states , the NRC/Mi.DNR recommendation was to follow the western states bait ban plans that failed and was abandoned by those same states.
Not one study or follow-up on the decease from our DNR .
The only thing our states DNR did was apply for the additional federal funding to test for the non-existent CWD .
Now the DNR wants to make our pike and muskey as big as they grow in minnesota , unrealistic thinking , because this is michigan , not minnesota .
How much money is our state wasting to have someone sit on a computer doing out of state copy and paste research instead of being out in our state lands and waters doing what their job requires them to do , hands on research and studies .
I have a proposal the Michigan DNR needs to consider , the pay scale of the Mexico version of the DNR compared to the Michigan DNR pay scale .