04-03-2008, 11:29 PM
I'de have to look it up but I did hear this on the news .
Top 20 suckers entered into the contest wins a prise , first prise $750.00 cash , speared , hooked or netted .
Kids are also have a contest .
Anyway the info is posted on either the WNEM channel 5 news station website or ABC channel 12 news websitesite .
We lost power half way thru the brodcast , so I couldn't say which T.V. station had the story .
Top 20 suckers entered into the contest wins a prise , first prise $750.00 cash , speared , hooked or netted .
Kids are also have a contest .
Anyway the info is posted on either the WNEM channel 5 news station website or ABC channel 12 news websitesite .
We lost power half way thru the brodcast , so I couldn't say which T.V. station had the story .