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WhiteHorse Run
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]Sucker Report [/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]March 14th 08[/size][/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]Fryday [/size][/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]Finding crawlers took me half the day on Thursday…. So I didn’t make it out as I had planned.[/size][/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]I spent a couple hours enjoying the worm spring day, temps 50+ with a bit of sun. Ice still on the lakes along with a few diehard ice walkers and a few patches of snow hither and yonder…[/size][/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]I cast my line in to my favorite sucker hole and it wasn’t long before I got a bite, Nearly loosing my entire crawler on the first hit. I quickly put on a fresh worm and got my presentation back in to the same spot where it was only a couple minutes before my caller was tugging on my line again, [/size][/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]I set the hook and with that and the bend of my rod and the drag of my reel the wolfhound was all attentive watching my line in the water anxiously awaiting the first sucker arrival of the year. [/size][/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]Upon retrieval my query was but only half grown, and therefore released back in to the drink after a short photo op. This would be my one and only sucker for the day, and it left me to wonder if I have gotten there a week early or a week late. In either case I will know in a couple days as to weather I arrived at pre or post run. [/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3][/size][/font] [center][url ""][Image: Whitehorse_sucker.jpg][/url][/center]
up date on the suckers, I went out this morning for a couple hours, no suckers, whater clear and rising. snow and ice patches every where still.

dont know if it was a false start or I missed them white horse all together, another week will tell me, but I am leaning twards the miss, hope I am wrong...

the edit on this post is just a test
I talked to roosterfish last night , said he has a foot of snow down on the ohio boarder .
I'm thinking your just on the verge of the run getting a few early arivals as with the steelhead up here .
Farmer Tim has a second batch of sap running , last year they had one to cook up . This weather as usual is running on mother natures clock and I think shes got a bad case of PMS .
Deer are everywhere during the daylight hours , I'm seeing a lot of coons , possums , rabbits , pheasents , squirlls , and turkeys everywhere I drive and in the yard .
The turkeys have started to disband for mating season .
We have the same amount of frozen snow covering the yard , nothing has begun to melt .
The weather will snap into the fifteys or sixteys I bet in a weeks time and my area will be hit with the rivers flooding .
I went to Jay's sporting goods in Clare yesterday , I overheard a salesman (and self proclamed guide ) giving a guy a line of bull about fishing a local river here "loaded with browns" and that the au sable bite was going strong this weekend .
I gave them both the skinny on the fishing and gave them our sticker to look up real reports for michigan fishing .

Here's a pic of the au sable from yesterday .
The sap is done running , suckers should start any time now[cool].
I would have been out over the weekend, but we got a half foot of snow... and my pup come down with the flue or something, had a coon in my dead fish pile in the garden, think he had it too, when I stepped out the front door, he did not make a run for it, just stood there and tried to walk away slowly shaking his head, had a possom do the same thing a couple nights later...

watch your critters, several of my neighbors pets came down with the bug too....
I have the bug too , kept the tidy-bowl man busy last night .
I'm not up to par just yet , feels like getting hit in the gut with a louisville slugger every 15 minutes .
Dry toast , tea, and jello , can't wait till I work my way up to chicken soup & crackers [Wink] .
I took her to the vet monday, I had to go in with her for the exrays and hold her in place. we found cancer in her lungs...

its only a matter of time, how long is any bodys guess...

as for the white horse, I did not get out last weekend, lots of rain, I should go in the next couple days to see if any of the worm water has brought any of them up... that is if they have not come and gone already...
Really sorry about the bad news my freind , just plain heartbreaking thing to find out about your best freind . I know you will be busy devoting yourself to make sure that what time is left is joyus for the pup . I know your heart is breaking and you are probably angered at the news , I really feel for you and the wolf .

Our youngest pup just returned from the vet today , almost lost her paw , someone put a small rubberband around her leg and it cut clear to the bone . It will take six weeks to heal . We thought she had a sprain or a broken bone when we took her in .
lucky you caught it in time, rubber bands are dangerous...
How's the pup doing ? I know some days are better than others .
Have you a pic of her to post ?
the pic above is the latest pic I have taken of her a couple weeks back, just befor easter...

for now she wants to lay around alot and sleep alot....

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