03-01-2007, 08:17 PM
[size 1]Trout fishing in Pennsylvania has always been big, but starting this morning it is getting even bigger - literally.
March 1 is a magic date for Keystone State trout anglers. It's the day the vast majority of trout waters close to fishing so the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission can begin stocking in preparation for the season opener (March 31 in southcentral and southeastern PA; April everywhere else). This year the trout carried on the Commission's fleet of stocking trucks are significantly larger than in the past.
"Overall, there will be a 30 percent increase in the average weight of the adult trout we're stocking and some real trophy-sized fish mixed in as well," said Executive Director Doug Austen. "By making the change to raising larger adult trout, the Commission is responding to the preference expressed by anglers through input at public meetings, correspondence, and on-the-water angler surveys."
In all, the Commission will stock some 3.4 million adult trout in Pennsylvania waters open to public angling. Since the Commission's hatchery system production is capped at 1.9 million pounds of trout, statewide the number of individual trout produced has been adjusted to accommodate the shift to larger fish. The Commission also obtains some trout from the United States Fish & Wildlife Service as part of a cooperative agreement and through a purchase contract with a commercial hatchery.
For those interested in "where" and "when" those fish will be released, a comprehensive stocking list is now available at the Commission's web site: www.fishandboat.com. While on the site, anglers can also print maps showing close-to-home hot spots, locate a wild trout water, buy a license or get tips from Pennsylvania Angler & Boater Magazine. [/size]
March 1 is a magic date for Keystone State trout anglers. It's the day the vast majority of trout waters close to fishing so the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission can begin stocking in preparation for the season opener (March 31 in southcentral and southeastern PA; April everywhere else). This year the trout carried on the Commission's fleet of stocking trucks are significantly larger than in the past.
"Overall, there will be a 30 percent increase in the average weight of the adult trout we're stocking and some real trophy-sized fish mixed in as well," said Executive Director Doug Austen. "By making the change to raising larger adult trout, the Commission is responding to the preference expressed by anglers through input at public meetings, correspondence, and on-the-water angler surveys."
In all, the Commission will stock some 3.4 million adult trout in Pennsylvania waters open to public angling. Since the Commission's hatchery system production is capped at 1.9 million pounds of trout, statewide the number of individual trout produced has been adjusted to accommodate the shift to larger fish. The Commission also obtains some trout from the United States Fish & Wildlife Service as part of a cooperative agreement and through a purchase contract with a commercial hatchery.
For those interested in "where" and "when" those fish will be released, a comprehensive stocking list is now available at the Commission's web site: www.fishandboat.com. While on the site, anglers can also print maps showing close-to-home hot spots, locate a wild trout water, buy a license or get tips from Pennsylvania Angler & Boater Magazine. [/size]