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Proposal To Repeal Liberalized Fishing Regulations
[size 2]PIERRE, S.D. – A lack of winterkill and angler use for many lakes classified for liberalized fishing have Game, Fish and Parks officials considering an elimination of these waters from the liberalized fishing category. [/size]
[size 2]"Currently, 33 South Dakota waters are designated open to liberalized fishing in December, January and February each year," said GFP Regional Fisheries Manager Todd St. Sauver of Sioux Falls. "Our experience is that very few anglers take advantage of liberalized fishing rules, so we see this as an opportunity to simplify fishing regulations." [/size]
[size 2]Liberalized fishing rules allow an angler to use up to six fishing lines, legal minnow seines, spears, dipnets and snagging gear to take up to three times the daily and possession limit without regards to length limits. The intent of liberalized fishing is to allow the harvest of fish that may be lost to winterkill. The Secretary of Game, Fish and Parks can still authorize liberalized fishing when low water and poor oxygen levels threaten a fishery. [/size]
[size 2]To comment on the proposals, people can attend the public hearing at 2 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 4, at the Ramkota in Pierre, or write Game, Fish and Parks, 523 E. Capitol, Pierre, S.D. 57501. E-mail comments can be sent to [/size][size 2][url ""][font "Arial"][/font][/url][/size][font "Arial"][size 2]. Comments must include full name and address.[/size][/font]

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