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Saginaw Bay
The saginaw Bay has been hot walleye fishing for the last few days. Using crawlers and trolling slow. You will see the boats not far from 1 & 2 buoy in 23 ft of water. Skeeter
thanks skeeter 185 , did you go out for ol' marble eyes too ?
welcome to the boards .
I caught over 20 eyes today on harnesses. Course I didn't keep but 5. Most were in 4# but had a couple 6#. Am beat, just got home. I love chasing those eyes! lol Skeeter
You know there's a couple eyes in that bay that are worth a few big bucks , don't you ? Davetclown might be able to provide some more info on them . Some sort of contest put on by a beer company .
I used to fish the trenton channel for the eyes , come spring I'll be hitting the bay . I usually troll erie deeries and pencil plugs for them .
I cought a couple big ones out of the Au Sable river this year , big beefey fish too .
If I am not mistaken a couple summers ago that been company tagged a couple fish for Saginaw Bay and several other places in the US. I think each tag was worth a k. BUT you only had a set time to catch them and it has long since passed. UNLESS they did it again..... I catch a few each season that has a metal dnr tag in their lip but not worth anything. OH also the dnr tagged a few that are worth one hundred bucks each. Not sure how many they tagged but I haven't gotten one of those yet. Later Skeeter
them eyes do like to hang around the 20 foot mark. I did catch some 40 foot deap this past summer, good thing they were big enuff to keep cause their blatters blew up like balloons and stuck half way out their mouths...

them fish that are stocked by budwiser are planted every year. but not always in the same place. I belive they have to be caught before fathers day to be worth any thing. most are worth like you said a grand. there are a few 5k's and a 1 mil. as to the species and locations planted you have to check the web site.

I forgot to do it this year. if some one reminds me I will check in to it again next year.
Thanks for the heads up, I am going to have to remember to check myself. Skeeter
hey Skeeter, you guys seeing any salmon action down your way these days?

seems like the entire east has been in slow mo this year....
I don't fish Salmon but know a bunch of guys that do including a couple charter boat captains. Salmon have gone around to the other side. The ones that are here are skinny, hardly any above 20 lbs. REally slow. Not worth going after this year. Skeeter
thanks, that is about what I have been seeing north of there....
you were here last friday , that sunday the family went to the au sable and saw nuttin but 20#- 25# fish everywhere !
i figure the fish were scared of us bft guys and were hiding , lol !!!
fish fear us !!!

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