09-06-2004, 04:25 AM
More than 25,000 North Dakota deer gun licenses are still available after the State Game and Fish Department recently completed its third lottery drawing. These licenses will be issued on a first come, first served basis for hunters who don't already have a license, or for those who want additional licenses, according to Carrie Whitney, licensing supervisor.
Hunters can apply online from the game and fish Web site discovernd.com/gnf. Paper applications will be available beginning Sept. 8 from game and fish offices, county auditors and license vendors. Hand delivered applications will not be processed at the department while the applicant waits. Residents and nonresidents are eligible to apply.
The 2004 deer hunting proclamation allows hunters to purchase an unrestricted number of additional antlerless licenses in specific units as long as licenses remain. Thirty-one units still have antlerless licenses available.
Hunters are reminded that additional doe licenses can be used during the archery season with a bow; the deer gun season with a bow, rifle, or muzzle-loader; or during the muzzle-loader season with a muzzle-loader. Hunters must stay in the unit to which the license is assigned.
See [url "http://www.state.nd.us/gnf/hunting/deer-fc-fs.html"]deer units map and list of licenses available[/url] here.
Hunters can apply online from the game and fish Web site discovernd.com/gnf. Paper applications will be available beginning Sept. 8 from game and fish offices, county auditors and license vendors. Hand delivered applications will not be processed at the department while the applicant waits. Residents and nonresidents are eligible to apply.
The 2004 deer hunting proclamation allows hunters to purchase an unrestricted number of additional antlerless licenses in specific units as long as licenses remain. Thirty-one units still have antlerless licenses available.
Hunters are reminded that additional doe licenses can be used during the archery season with a bow; the deer gun season with a bow, rifle, or muzzle-loader; or during the muzzle-loader season with a muzzle-loader. Hunters must stay in the unit to which the license is assigned.
See [url "http://www.state.nd.us/gnf/hunting/deer-fc-fs.html"]deer units map and list of licenses available[/url] here.