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Trout trip Lake Mary
Just finishd a fishing adventure to the Eastern Sierras'. I fished Lake Mamie, Lake George and Lake Mary. I spent three days prior to the "Big Labor Day Weekend in full "grunt". The full moon didn't help much but I finally started getting them by going to one pound leader. They have stocked the lakes heavily and the full moon is fading so I bet we get some good reports. Tip of the week. Use three inch Power Worms, you know, the ones that come coiled up in a sack. Cast a one pound leader, barrel knotted to your 2 pound running line, fitted with a small split shot about 2 feet above a number ten hook. Let it sink to the count of five and twitch back really slow. Can't miss.PS the worm color best is bright orange.
Hi there gvanzant,

Sounds like it was a decent trip. I have not gone to the afore mentioned lakes in 25 years.

I wonder if a bubble/fly combo would have done some good. I've fly cast my brains out before and a guy with such a combo was haulin' 'em in with the 'right' fly! ha ha

Howdy: The bubble fly trick is automatic on all those lakes especially 1/2 hour before dark. I like to use no #12 black ants with most of the hackle remmoved. Tie the head off with red thread and retrieve slowly. My ulta light spinning rod is a nine foot blank which gives me an 8 foot leader off the bubble.
[cool]George - Guess Jed was right in today's column (9/9). You & grand son used 1# test line. I told Merna that no 9 year old boy could catch a 2-1/2# Alpers on 1# test, but if he was your grandson, it probably is true. Been laid up with a badly infected tow and can't use real shoes until 9/15. Then we would like to lunch with you and the Mrs. 'Spose you're up to double haul right now, so will call you in a week or so. Good going! Bud
Hey there BudKlecker,

Heyyyyyyyy, I've been called something close to that ......and several variations to boot!

Welcome to the boards here. Your recovery is awaited and hope you can contribute to our community here at BFT.


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