05-22-2002, 04:18 PM
I already repaired this for some friends. It will be sent to friends of recipiants that does not realize it is a Hoax! <br>If you recieve this in your email send a reply to the sender and let them know it is a hoax. Ask them to send a correction to all that they have sent this to. If done soon enough it will reduce the chance of someone following the directions.<br><br><br><br>Virus Hoax Making The Rounds - 'Jdbgmgr.EXE' <br> Newsbytes News Network <br><br> A virus warning is making the rounds urging people to search for a purported virus on their hard<br> drives - a file named JDBGMGR.EXE. Chances are, they will find it, because the "warning" is a<br> hoax. <br><br> According to several anti-virus companies, the hoax first appeared in April, but two new variants<br> of the message have been spotted in the last three days<br><br>The bogus warning takes several forms, but in general it tells people they have received a<br> dangerous, undetectable virus via e-mail that must be found and deleted from their "C" drives.<br> Some variants claim the "virus" hibernates for 14 days before awakening and causing damage to<br> their computers. <br><br> Anti-virus companies have identified French, Spanish, Italian and German versions of the English<br> warnings. <br><br> In reality, JDBGMGR.EXE is a standard Windows component. According to anti-virus<br> company F-Secure, it uses as a Java debugger manager in a Microsoft Java runtime engine. <br><br> "We checked several versions of this utility from Windows installations and found nothing<br> malicious in them," F-Secure wrote in its warning about the hoax.<br><br><br>Texas Gulf Coast Fisher <*(())))))))))>{<br><A HREF="http://myweb.ecomplanet.com/ROSS6959/" target="_new">http://myweb.ecomplanet.com/ROSS6959/</A>