10-23-2020, 02:30 PM
I spent 1/2 of the day just getting out cruising around yesterday. I went from avoiding the terrible shows my wife likes to watch on daytime TV, DVR recordings, to isolating myself in the garage on a daily basis to a road trip. Me & my little buddy jumped in the truck since it needed exercise after sitting idle for last 2wks. First stop E Canyon, my little buddy enjoyed exploring the shoreline and wading, only 2 boats on the water. Partially buried in the sand just a few feet up from waters current edge I found a cell phone obviously DOA. After 30min of stretching we continued our trip. We sneaked in the backdoor where the cowboy pirate & cookie reside in Henefer. If I knew where they lived I would have given a drive by wave but then I might have been accused of getting worms. Instead of driving into Henefer to the frontage road I turned off into a farming community along the base of the mountain leading over the interstate. Once we got back on I-84 I took next exit to Lost Creek, only 2 boats here also. As luck would have it I found another cell phone at launch ramp area but screen was shattered on this one, another DOA. We ventured a little further back and there I noticed this concrete slab which also had a 4-5' long deep concrete trough. I'm curious of what structure this use to be if anyone knows the history here. Here are a few pics I took of it.