03-23-2002, 12:17 AM
An afternoon of offshore fishing was the plan of my two anglers today. The livewell was full of herring when we headed out to 160' off Key Biscayne. The radio was alive with chatter about dolphin, sailfish, and some kings. The blue water and north current conditions were picture perfect. The first drift was uneventful. A move to the north to just south of the sea buoy proved to be the right one. While I was putting out the first bait, a dolphin ate it and several others followed. We put two in the box and then put out a kite bait. It only took a sailfish about 2 minutes to find it and the fireworks began. The fish tailwalked in circles twice before greyhounding toward the boat. Some fast winding and clearing of other lines and the chase started. When we caught up to the fish, it made about a half dozen jumps at boat side that were all caught on camera. The fish was released and while my angler calmed himself from the excitement of catching his first sailfish, we caught 2 more dolphin. Two very happy anglers watched a beautiful sunset as we headed in.<br><br>Captain Dave Kostyo<br>Knot Nancy Fishing Charters<br>305 620-5896 Charter<br>305 732-2628 Beeper<br>www.rnfl.com/knotnancy<br>nkostyo@bellsouth.net<br><br>