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Okay fellow Indiana Anglers here is something for all of us to think about. While we are all concerned about Osama and his ilk we should also be concerned about our own in country terrorist groups and who funds them. We all have heard of and know about pet@, the humain society of america (not the dog pound folks), the anti hunting sierra club and more. But did you know that they all have tax exempt status and some (PET@) openly admit to donating money to ALF (the animal liberation front) which is a terrorist group that firebombs business and has injured people that work there. Lets all start contacting our congresional people and get them to remove the tax exempt status of these groups so the FBI can find out whom they are sending money to. We need to be heard to stop these terrorists.<br><br><P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by robert0720 on 03/29/02 11:45 AM.</EM></FONT></P>
I hope the feds get in to it and shut this group down before any one else gets hurt. President Bush started geting this type of groups closed. If you hear of this type of activity "terrorist involvment" inform the proper law inforcement. The F.B.I. is listed in your local directory, some are local calls, others are toll free numbers. peta is causing havic in California over the off shore sport fishing. Lets all try to give them the help They need. peta's activity's affect all of us not just California. All of the info I have found are ruted to disrupt the econimy. Don't look at the top of there actions, and always look between the lines for their true intent of damage and distruction of the U.S.A.<br><br>Texas gulf cost fisher.
You have a valid viewpoint. <br><br>If some one has proof of what you say then an indictment will be in order. <br><br>These are criminal charges that demands mega jail time of any one involved, (whether they participated or just funded the actions) and relinquishing of any and all monies and properties patents vehicles stocks bonds, any tangible and non-tangible assets.<br><br><br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A> <br>Lookie See what the kids are up to.<br>Dave T. Clown
It's funny that you bring this up. I saw something about this exact topic on TV in the last couple of weeks. I think it was on the O'Reily Factor. He was grilling someone from PETA about giving money to these terrorist organizations and she kept evading the questions. What she did admit to was funding the legal fees of someone accused of some terrorist type action. Her defense was that he had not been convicted of the crime so they had every right to help. I think it turned our that he ended up being convicted. It just doesn't make sense. Why should they be tax exempt? They pay some guy to dress up in a fish costumes and protest at fishing tournaments. Why should they get a tax break to do stuff like that. If they were fighting something illegal fine but they are fighting some of our basic freedoms. It just doesn't make sense.<br><br><br>PETA...People Eating Tasty Animals<br>
As I have said in post past, is that if people keep fishing then evidence of toxic waist that was illegally dumped, will become fact known. Then the support that they receive from these companies and manufactures will dry up if they loose. If they win then they can get away with killing off the habitat we live in and down the road us. (All for the sake of the bottom-line.) [mad]<br><br>In my opinion, I believe that if a company has to resort to such a practice that it cannot afford to handle its own waist properly and respectively that it cannot afford to stay in business period. <br><br>Keep your eyes open listen when you are standing outdoors in your yard, pay attention to trucks pulled up to riverbanks and lakesides. If you have the time circle around, get a license plate number. Use that cell phone that you bought for emergencies on the side of the road and call it in. If you have time get a water sample at the location where the truck was, a soil sample will also help.<br><br>Turn the samples in to the local health department for testing. If you are smart you will turn the samples in to separate testing facilities. <br><br>Remember these companies that support PETA are not beyond caring guns and other implements of causing bodily harm and using them against you, so <B>you should never approach these persons not even for polite conversations, the results can be deadly.</.B> remember they support PETA terrorist, therefore they are terrorist themselves.<br><br><br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A> <br>Lookie See what the kids are up to.<br>Dave T. Clown
You got that rite Dave. If we can catch them in their illegal acts, then and only then can they be stoped. I spend alot of time every year cleaning up toxic waste along the road. I live at the end of a 2 mile gravel road that gets used to dump unwanted items like apliances,tires and ect. I did get certified to recover the refrigerant from the refrigeraters, freesers and a/c units that I collected. That is the only way to send them to salvage without paying a lot of money to get rid of them. verry seldom is somone caught dumping this kind or stuff. It is every one's responsability to keep their eyes open for illegal acts. And turn them in when ever posible. <br><br>Texas Gulf Coast Fisher.
You guys make a very good point. We as outdoorsmen have to start taking responsibility for policing that which we hold so dear. I must admit, I'm sure that I have be oblivious to illegal activities. But no more. We all need to remember to keep our eyes and ears open.<br><br>Thanks Guys.<br><br>
You are correct in what you say about illegale dumping and what we should do about it. Althought you have gotten off of the track of what I was alluding to. We Need to get the tax exempt status of these anti hunting types (soon anti fishing) revoked and make them open up thier files to public scrutiny, and maybe prosicution. As far as the polluters carrying weapons, write you state congress and get concealed carry approved for law abiding citizens. Terrorists love gun control. Just as Osama and Saddum their opinions. <br> Hey Texas, look at the dumped trash and see if there are addressed letters, magazines, etc in that trash and then call you states DNR tip line with names and addresses. Hopefully then the state will prosicute them for dumping in an unlawful place or maybe just make them clean up their mess. <br> Just remember all if you want to continue hunting and fishing then you must get PRO-ACTIVE and get the anti's shut down befor they get us shut down, SITTING AND HOPEING AND LETTING JOE DO IT is a sure way of loseing our hunting and fishing.<br><br>
SORRY, I did get off of the track some. But my point is that if we can prouve illegal acts by these guys, that will bring the curtian down a lot faster than just remooving their tax exempt statis will. If we stay aware on both fronts then we will get the job done in the least amount of time. I am in favor of removing their tax exempt cover. I was just trying to add other avenus of attack that might help speed up the process. <br> On the point of checking for I.D. in the trash. I go one step farther with giving our local Sheriff the make, model and serial # on items. Alot of these items can be traced from original sale and warrenty info. I ran into an I H chest freezer that was built in 1953 that found the owner through warrenty info. That person was charged and convicted of illegal disposal of toxic waist. Not for the freezer but for the freon that was still in the system. He got $500 fine + costs plus he was orderd to the county clean up program with 60 hours of service. So to help with our toxic waist there is more than just a name or address in the discarded stuff. I thought of this way to find the violaters and now our sherrif uses this to help keep the county safe. With this in place the county has reduced the expence of cleenup as there is not as many illegal dumpings now. <br><br>Texas Gulf Coast Fisher.
Had not thought of useing manufacturers serial numbers when calling the DNR. But that is a great idea and everyone should use it when finding junk like that dumped out. Excellant call I tip my hat to you. Hey if you know how and there is a way broadcast that idea accross all of the forums.<br> Also according to my rv dealer it has now been deciced that freon did not really hurt the atmosphere. Some one made a bundle out of that con and once a law is on the books we are all stuck with it. Oh well at least the new cooling stuff works almost as well. Texas what do you fish for in the Gulf? Good fishing <br><br>
I finaly did what is my petpieve on the board. I forgot to log in before I make a post. I'm shure you can tell wich post is me as I talk too much. Shame, Shame on me.<br><br>Texas Gulf Coast Fisher.
Here is a tip that you may not know and that is any non profit and charitable institution has no right to conceal and financial statements. <B>in other words even PETA must comply to any individual off the street who walks in to there door and ask for a financial statement must at that time deliver to said person that walked in off the street. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH A UP TO DATE STATEMENT IS GROUNDS FOR CRIMINAL CHARGES AND GROUNDS FOR TERMINATION OF ANY NON-PROFIT OR CHARITABLE STATUS THAT THEY POSESS. </B> <br><br>(In other words if you walk in to PETA in person you have the right to ask for a copy of their financial statement and they must at that time <B>not in a week – not in three days – not tomorrow because the copier is broke – but this minute) if asking by phone they have 24 hours to have the letter post dated and delivered to you. If asking by mail, they have seven days from the date your request was postdated by mail currier, to have their statement postdated and sent to you.<br><br>Don’t think for one second that they are fools. When it comes to fraud they wrote the book. You will never see the real books, only the one printed for public scrutiny. Their organization is so big that it would take a team of top-notch auditors years to uncover any discrepancies. Your only hope is to catch them in their own game and that is watch those who are supporting them. Business…<br><br>As far as the gun control that they claim to support is <B> no guns for you so long as they keep their illegal ones</B><br><br>I am a past president of a Jaycees Organization and I can tell you first hand that what I have told you about those financial statements that include who they receive monies from and to whom they pay it out to.<br>(To whom they pay out to is only a stepping stone to the terrorist they claim not to be connected to) <br><br>They are all connected, the truth is out there, just don’t get yourself buried in the attempt to uncover it.<br><br>as far as prosicuting someone from an address from a trash pile is imposible unless you see them put it there. An address is only sercumstancial evedence.<br><br>any papers leaving PETA is destroied before it leaves the office.<br><br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A> <br>Lookie See what the kids are up to.<br>Dave T. Clown
ssor congrats on the conviction. I just hope that it wasn’t handed down to someone else who put it out there or someone was paid to take it to proper disposal place and dumped in the outback instead.<br><br>Maybe the laws are different where you are about prosecuting for illegal dumping, but here in Michigan where I worked for the Department of Natural Resources, all we could do is pick it up unless we got a tip from someone who saw it and would step forward in court.<br><br>But that is some good detective work. [cool]<br><br><br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A> <br>Lookie See what the kids are up to.<br>Dave T. Clown
And don't think for a minnit that someone from PETA is not keeping a close eye on this post and others on the net.<br><br>Texas Gulf Coast Fisher.
Before I forget I wanted to state one more of my opinions on the anti gun lobbyist in this metaphor about the 1920 and its prohibition of alcohol. <br><br>Only the rich and criminal was allowed to have such things.<br><br><br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A> <br>Lookie See what the kids are up to.<br>Dave T. Clown
He plee barganed as he knew that he had been caught. The laws alow for up to $5,000 and 100 hours comunity services plus up to 6 months in jail for first offence. In my county they do not go by the state laws. Coruption has control. In our courts you are guilty and that is it. If you try to fight them it gets worse. A lot of people are convicted for things that they did not do. Charges made aganst me wher droped but they still wanted me to pay court costs. I had to take it to the appels court to have it corrected. The only way to get justice if you are inocent is to let them do what they want and take it out of the county in a higher court to get away from the corruption. I know they are elected judges but once they are in there you can not find any one to run against them. One local lawyer tryed an ended up in jail for theft of an ATV. <br>After that no one will think of trying to run against them.<br>For the record this is Vinton, County in the state or OHIO.<br>I have documants that will prouve my statements if any one wants to see them just get ahold of me and I will gladly show them.<br><br>Texas Gulf Coast Fisher.
OK guys here you go. If you really want to get under PET@'s skin, let's fill up their email server. Email them your comments at <br><br><br><br><br><br>
Thanks, we all can have fun with this. If you add some pic's, grafts and other items that you can find to your E-mail's it will fill the server up faster. Any thing that can disrupt their comunications is a plus for the good guys. You get a trophy from me for this little tid-bit.<br> Be carefull not to send to many to them, as they might use it against you "as SPAM". Remember the definision of SPAM is unsolitited comersial E-mail. Just don't try to sell them something and you should be ok.<br>DaveTClown, Did I forget any thing? Looking for your input on this.<br><br>Texas Gulf Coast Fisher.

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