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be careful out there
[cool]I launched my kayak from government wash this morning. I was trying to net some shad about 75 yards from my truck and out of sight from it when I heard a gunshot and had some shot pellets hit the water close by . I didn't think too much about it till I caught a 2lb striper and paddled back to the truck to drop him off when I discovered that my camper shell was the victim of the gunshot.
I called the park rangers at 6:30am. A ranger showed up at 9:50am. Be careful if you have an incident at the lake. It may take some time to get help.
Man thats SH#TTY!!!!!
I cant believe that people are so Ghetto out there. I would never launch a boat there for fear i would come back to no trailer or tires on my truck. I hope they find the jerk that did that and lock em up!!!! And more than 3 hours to respond to gun shots and a shot up truck????????
Our tax dollars at work!!!! PATHETIC!!!!!!
I hate it for ya bro!!!!
I haven't locked my trailer to the truck at Mead in some time. Guess I should begin doing it again.
WOW! Never heard a gun shot out there before.

I don't just lock my trailer on the Tongue. I also have the nut holding the ball to the ball mount welded so no one can unbolt it and swap it to another ball mount and use a locking pin. Back-up to back-up to back-up locking system [Smile]

Trust no one... How it has to be in todays climate.

[cool]I have heard gunshots before out there. It is rare but some yahoos think they can get their gun off anywhere. Not too many people are moving around this time of year at gray light. There were two other vehicles close by. One was a couple camping and the other was a small p/u with three teens that seem to have been drinking. I talked to them when they asked some questions and left it as that. I am only assuming that as they were leaving they felt like it was ok to shoot my truck. I guess that they don't have any decent role models to teach them right and wrong. My wife says that karma will get them. I only want to be there when it happens. Sorry for the rant but I am still trying to put it behind me as there is probably no way to catch them.
That is some scary stuff there.....Makes you want to avoid the less traveled path and stay around civilization if people are that stupid and irresponsible. If you are that unstable you probably shouldn't be allowed to own a gun, don't want to start the 2nd ammendment thing here but its pretty frightening that someone like that has access to firearms.
That's crazy it took them 3 hours to get to you, i understand its a big place but something like that you think they would be in a hurry to catch the people to avoid a more serious incident. I've launched at Placer Cove before when people were shooting and drinking and it scared me to death, haven't been back.
and people wonder why i always carry... sorry it happened to you i hope they are somehow able to find the dirtbags who did this.

did anyone in the area see it happen? what was the point of it, youd think to grab something but apparently not since they hit the top of the camper..
Dirt bags! Sorry to hear about your truck, I'd be PO'ed.... 3 1/2 hours to get a ranger out to a shooting incident is completely ridiculous, and you have to wonder if they waited until the suspects were long gone, on purpose.

I've been out at Mead and Mohave and heard gun shots before, even while camping in remote areas. I never camp out there in places with road access for this very reason as it seems the unsavory crowd are land locked. Everyone I've met on the water has been completely cool out there (or at least 99%), hit land and it's another story.
[cool]There was another couple camping close by. I asked if they heard the gunshots. They said that they didn't here gunshots but heard the truck arrive with its loud stereo at 2am. All I had in the back was a crate with some fishing gear in it and it wasn't touched.
[cool]I would have thought that there would be a roving patrol since a lot of people fish at night and camp out. I was extremely pissed but how are they going to be caught? Unless they do it again and a license or better description is given to a "prompt" responding ranger, they will go free. I hope their next victim is more prepared and armed. I just convince myself that there is nothing more I can do so as to keep my blood pressure within reasonable limits. But a $1400 bill doesn't help!
$1400 - ouch! But yeah, I agree, not much you can do about it now. A lot of times when I park at the lake I'm the only person around, and never worry about something like that happening. Seen a lot of sketchy characters out there though.

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