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Hey, all-

I was home visiting my parents this weekend and got out to fish the South Fork for a bit on Saturday. As the day went along, I was surprised by the percentage of whitefish hooked that I had foul hooked. I bet you about 75% of the whities I hooked were foul hooked. Any thoughts why? Setting too late? Something about their feeding habits that make it more likely? I was fishing a double nymph rig, FYI.

Were they foul hooked by the last hook. sometimes they go for the first one then I foul hook them with the second when I set the hook.

I think it is just smaller mouths lead to more foul hooking.

Whitefish group up in very dense schools. Running a tandem rig along the bottom through one of these schools, you are likely to foul hook often.
Every one of them was foul hooked by the last hook, yes. Good point
I thought about that being the reason as well. I dismissed it because every time I set there was a decisive "hit". I wasn't snagging them on my re-cast or anything like that. Something was hitting it, I'd set and then I saw I'd hooked a belly or a fin. Still a possibility, though I suppose. Thanks
If you are tying your trailing nymph onto the bend of your lead hook it makes it difficult for whitefish to get it into their smaller mouths. If you tie your lead fly and dropper on with a triple surgeons it would allow them to take the whole fly in their mouths and may result in less snagging.
Yes, I tie my trailing nymph off the bend of the lead fly. Never used a triple surgeon's before. Looked it up and seems like something I'll have to try. Thanks. By the way, love your blog!

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