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Lake Mead, Feb. 6,7,8. Any advice?
I'll be driving from San Dimas, CA to SLC, UT I'll have another hour of break in I have to do on the new 225 and thought I would try Mead for my first time. Well, my first bass tournament was on Mead but looking back I didn't know what I was really doing lol.
So, I have the boat. Got a decent amount of gear, a few rods, couple finders, I like to think of myself as a pretty experienced angler but I didn't get that way by not asking for help when I needed it. Hence, Lake Mead. I'll be staying in Boulder City? I should prolly check but I'm pretty sure that was the name. I've looked at couple maps online and I will be launching from Lake Mead Marina? I'm not even going to attempt to catch live shad, I'll search down some sardines. I prefer largemouth and crappie so I'll be dropshot fishin' in the backs of any coves I find. I'll have the wifey so we are going to do some sight fishing also. I really would appreciate any advice, thanks.
The bites been slow the past month for lmb and smallies, but I have been catching a few. You seem to have the right plan alreay. I'd add some jigs and swimbaits, and you'll be set. The water temp is already going back up, so the bite should be picking up soon. Good luck out there!
launch at Boulder Harbor..Hemenway is shallow. Go towards the Dam. fish dropshot along the walls on the west side. you'll find a couple 45° gravel sides. Fish before and after them. JIgs, grubs on a darter head, Shakey heads and maybe a surface lure depending on temps and conditions. Probably post frontal conditions so use your electronics. Spooning is a possibility

If that doesn't work then go across to Kingman Wash and fish the long gravel/rock bank on the south side; football jig and dropshot country. Final resort: Try the coves just south of Castle Reef and some of the coves inside the north Kingman area (Painter's cove) for early spawners; that's prime crawdawd country.
Yes!!! That's what I'm talking about! Thank you bud.
Launched out of Callville today. Stayed in the bay as part of boat maintenance test. Water temperature 55 to 56°. Saw almost nothing on the graph. Did catch this single smallmouth in maybe 12 to 15 feet. Sunny chunk rock 45° bank. Seagulls roosting on the tire breakwater is unusual.

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