08-23-2015, 07:04 PM
Jc Sportfishing Weekly Fish Report.
As the Admiral Seas It
Fishing Report: 8/17/15 to 8/24/15
Stop By Our Office for up to Date Fishing Report.
Blue Marlin Fishing on Fire in Cabo !!
40lb to 50lb Wahoo being Caught all Week!!
Were Still Knocking the Sailfish Out !!
Tuna non Existent this Past Week!
Dorado: A few Small Ones!!
Mexican Fish Limits Inside?
JC says:My New Book is Coming out ?
JC,s Book : “My Marlin Legends & Lies”
Captain Chris says: Wow, JC is a Wako!!
Fish Report Boy has a Schoolgirl Laugh!!
Rooster Fish Information Inside!
JC,s Blues Baja Drink Recipe Inside!!
2 Baja Recipes Inside!!
JC,s Lobster Taco Al Carbone!
JC,s Baja Lobster Macoroni and Cheese!!
HEADLINES: August 24, 2015:
JC screamed: “Look Fish Report Boy, Captain Chris is a friend of mine and he doesn’t come by my office to try and take your job, Actually no one wants that stupid job I pay you to do. The fish reports looks like a Schoolgirl wrote them anyway. This is not the Bluebirds Troop 15, my reports mean a lot to me!! Besides Captain Chris is way too busy to be writing this thing you call a FISH REPORT. He is a Mango Farmer also, up in the East Cape, the clown has orchards of Mangos he doesn’t know what to do with them. Fish Report Boy laughed and said: “I thought there was something fishy about that dude, I never have trusted him. Look JC, tell Captain Chris to don’t even think of trying to take my reporters job or mess with me!! Just tell the guy when I was travelling with the Circus, when I was in my teens, I fought 2 midgets at the same time and they were both knife throwers. I took them both out!! So tell your buddy Captain Chris to bug out!! And by the way JC: “Stop lying to everyone about some phony new book coming out, “My Marlin Legends & Lies” what's that all about. JC laughed and said: Go Lil Man, get out of my office now!! And then he said: “Fish Report Boy you are just a pawn in this chess match”.
Jc Sportfishing Charters is a family owned and operated business and has been fishing in Cabo San Lucas for the past 18 years. Jerry, explains that his charter business is geared more for families and novice anglers, making sure everyone who charters a boat with him have a great time and lots of fun. We welcome families, and groups. We want everyone who fishes with us to take all the sites in and have a memorable experience. This is what is most important to us. We have and do a few tournaments each year and can cater to fisherman who might be interested in tournament fishing. Well lets get on with the fishing report for this past week.
WEATHER: It has been pretty nice, but really hot. That is to be expected, though this time of year, over the last month we have been pretty lucky as it has been pretty calm down south with really no storms forming. We are in the middle of the summer and still have another month and a half to go, to get out of the woods, as far as hurricanes and storms. Highs are pushing a 100 degrees in the daytime when the sun is shining but we have seen a few days of overcast and a few drops of rain a couple days
WATER: Just like it was last week, and hasn’t changed much in over a week the warm water is here to stay awhile and it feels like a bathtub if you spend time in it. The temps I noticed on the Tempbreak map was 85 to 90 degrees, which is pretty warm all over. If we could get some decent weather I think the fishing would be off the hook. Please check out the Tempbreak map link below to get a good idea on water temperatures.
BILLFISH: Blue Marlin fishing is still pretty good with quite a few being landed this past week. That makes like 2 weeks in a row we have been seeing some good Blue Marlin fishing with the 95 spot for the 1150 the areas Marlin is being taken in numbers. Please remember to release all your BILLFISH for the next generation to catch and release. Most all the fish being caught is landed on live bait and lures.
DORADO: A few small Dorados are being caught, but nothing major really.
SWORDFISH: Hasn't heard of any caught this week.
WAHOO: Well, there has been a few Wahoo caught this past week. Most are in the 40lb to 50lb pound range. More than usual for this time of year.
TUNA: Not any Tuna insight over the last week and really haven’t seen any in over 2 to 3 weeks. Pretty slow, as Tuna goes.
INSHORE: Well the inshore action is about the same as last week with quite a few Roosters and Skip Jack being caught close to shore.
Rooster Fish Information!
Roosterfish, Nematistius pectoralis
The Roosterfish, Nematistius pectoralis, is one of the true exotics of the world, with a common Spanish name is papagallo and known locally as pez gallo, is a species in the family Nematistiidae, the Roosterfish, known as papagallos in Mexico. Globally, there is only this species in the genus Nematistius, and it is only found in Mexican waters of the Pacific.
The Roosterfish have elongated compressed bodies that are bluish gray in color with silvery reflections. They have four dark bars, one between their eyes, one across the rear part of their head, two obliquely curved black bands on their sides, one of which extends down the center of the caudal base. Their head is pointed and features simple teeth. Their first dorsal fin has seven spines the last six of which are very elongated; the second dorsal fin has one spine and 25 rays. Their anal fin base is much shorter than their dorsal fin base. Their caudal fin is deeply forked; they have long and curved pectoral fins that are longer than their pelvic fins.
The Roosterfish are a schooling species found along sandy shores at depths up to 60 feet. They can reach up to 1.91 meters (6 feet 3 inches) in length and 52 kg (114 pounds) in weight with the current I.G.F.A. world record being taken in waters off La Paz in 1960. A Roosterfish Weight from Length Conversion Table has been included in this website to allow the accurate determination of a fish weight and a return to the ocean unharmed. They are voracious ambush predators feeding on small fish. They prey on a variety of long slender fish (ladyfish, mullets, halfbeaks, and herrings) and have been known to swallow a 51 cm (20 inch) ladyfish whole. They are found in all Mexican waters of the Pacific with the exception that they are absent from the extreme northern portion of the Sea of Cortez.
The Roosterfish is an easy fish to identify due to its unique “rooster comb” and thus cannot be
with any other species.
The Roosterfish are a targeted species of recreational anglers as they are exceedingly strong and can make long runs. They can be caught via trolling live bait within a quarter mile of the beach or on live bait, or Ranger Plugs and Klassen Poppers off the beach. They are a seasonal species that follow mullet and are found in the greater Los Cabos area primarily during the months of May, June, and July. The Roosterfish is not a favorite of local fishermen. They do not focus on them but if caught as an incidental catch the smaller ones will be retained. Overall they are a poor food fish but are on occasion sold fresh in local markets to the uninformed.
Mexican Fishing Limits and Laws?
For those of you going to Cabo or any mexican destination, it may behoove you to know what exactly the limit is for varieties of gamefish that you may catch. You would hope, and should expect, the captain of your boat to inform you what that may be. But don't count on it, as I've seen a few catches posted here that are so far beyond what is allowed, it is almost shocking. Catch and release don't count, only what you keep and kill do. I'll start with the low limit ones.
You can only keep:
A single marlin, shark, sailfish, or swordfish per licensed angler.
Only 2 dorado or roosterfish per licensed angler.
No more than 5 of a single species, and no more than 10 overall constitute a limit, however, the the limits posted above count as 5. So 2 dorado and 1 kept swordfish and you're done for the day.
Pescas interpretation:
In ocean waters and estuaries the limit is a total of ten fish per day, with no more than 5 catches of a single specie, except of the species of Marlin, Sailfish, Swordfish and Shark, of which only one specimen of either is allowed, and which counts a five toward the overall 10 fish limit, or Dorado, Roosterfish, Shad, or Tarpon, of which only two samples of each specie are allowed, and which count a five toward the overall 10 fish limit.***
[*** Note: As explained by the Department of Fisheries office in San Diego, this means that if you catch 1 marlin (5 points) and 1 dorado (5 points), you have reached your limit for the day.
Other examples of full Mexican limits would be: 2 dorado; 1 dorado plus 5 miscellaneous species; or, 1 roosterfish plus 1 dorado.-- B.A.R.]
Limit on inland bodies of water (rivers, lakes, dams, etc.) is five fish per day, whether of a single specie or in combination.
Underwater fishing is limited to five fish per day, using rubber band or spring type harpoons, and only while skin-diving.
There is no limit to the practice of "catch and release," as long as the fish that exceed the bag limit be returned to their environment in good survival condition.
Where sport-fishing is conducted from boats out at sea for longer than three days, the bag limit will be the equivalent of three times the amounts mentioned above.
-- It is illegal to capture and maintain alive any fish or ornamental purposes.
-- It is prohibited to receive any financial gain from the product obtained through sportfishing.
-- It is prohibited to dump trash, litter or substances that harm the aquatic flora or fauna, whether on lakes, river banks, shores, or oceanic waters.
-- It is prohibited to collect shells, corals, sea anenomes and snails, or to disturb the original ecosystem environment.
-- It is prohibited to practice sportfishing 250 meters or less from swimmers.
-- It is prohibited to use artificial lighting to attract large quantities of fish.
-- It is prohibited to discharge firearms in Mexican waters.
-- Fish caught under a sportfishing license may not be filleted aboard the vessel from which it was caught.
-- It is requested that all unusual activities, occurrences or record catches be reported to the nearest office of the Oficina de Pesca, or to its representation in San Diego, CA, in order to ensure the preservation of the natural resources for the continued enjoyment of all fishermen.
From The Admirals Kitchen!
JC,s Lobster Taco Al Carbone!!
Yellow Tomato-Chipotle Salsa:
2 limes, zested and juiced
1 tablespoon chopped chipotle in adobo puree
2 teaspoons honey
1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
3 yellow tomatoes, halved, seeded and diced
1/2 small red onion, thinly sliced
1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro leaves, plus more for garnish
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
Lobster Taco:
2 1/2 pound lobster, parboiled and split in 1/2 lengthwise
Canola oil
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
3 green onions (dark and pale green part) thinly sliced
8 (6-inch) corn tortillas (wrapped in foil and warmed)
1 1/2 cups shredded Monterey Jack cheese
Whisk together the lime zest and juice, chipotle, honey and olive oil in a medium bowl. Add the tomatoes, onion and cilantro and mix until combined. Season with salt and pepper, to taste.
Taco:Heat grill to high.
Brush the lobster flesh with some of the canola oil and season with salt and pepper, to taste. Put on the grill, flesh side down, and grill until slightly charred and just cooked through, about 5 minutes. Remove the meat from the shell and coarsely chop. Put the chopped lobster into a bowl, along with the green onions and mix to combine.
Put the tortillas on a flat surface and evenly divide the cheese over the surface. Put a few heaping tablespoons of the lobster in the center. Fold the tortillas over, brush the tops with oil and grill, oil side down, until slightly charred, about 1 minute. Brush the top side of the tortillas with oil, flip over and continue grilling until slightly charred and cheese just melts. Arrange the tortillas on a serving platter and garnish with cilantro.
JC, s Baja Lobster Macaroni and Cheese!
4 tablespoons butter, plus 1 tablespoon for greasing dish
Kosher salt
1 pound penne pasta
2 small shallots, finely chopped
2 cloves garlic, chopped
Freshly ground black pepper
2 tablespoons tomato paste
5 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1/4 cup white wine
4 cups heavy cream
1/2 teaspoon sweet paprika
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 bay leaf
2 cups shredded sharp white Cheddar
2 cups shredded Gruyere
2 (8-ounce) raw lobster tails, defrosted if frozen, meat removed from shell, chopped
1/4 cup panko bread crumbs
1/4 cup freshly chopped parsley leaves
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F and adjust racks to the middle. Grease a 13 by 9-inch baking dish with butter.
In a large pot of boiling salted water over medium heat, add the pasta and cook until al dente. Drain the pasta and reserve.
Add 4 tablespoons butter to a large pot over medium heat. Once the butter shimmers, add the shallots and garlic and saute until translucent. Season with salt and pepper, to taste. Add the tomato paste and flour and stir to toast, about 3 to 4 minutes. Add the white wine and reduce, by half, about 2 minutes. Slowly add the cream, whisking well to remove any lumps. Add the paprika, cayenne, and bay leaf. Bring the cream up to a simmer and turn the heat to low. Let reduce until the cream is thick and can coat a spoon, about 5 to 10 minutes. When thickened, remove the bay leaves.
Stir in the grated cheeses, a handful at a time, combining well after each addition. Add the chopped lobster meat to the sauce and stir well. Add the pasta and stir. Add to the greased baking dish and sprinkle with the panko crumbs and parsley. Bake for 25 minutes. Remove from the oven and let rest for 10 minutes before serving. Sprinkle individual servings with parsley.
JC,s Blue Baja Drink!!
JC,s Blue Baja is a tropical drink made with Blue Curacao, run, pineapple juice and either creme de coconut or coconut cream. rum, pineapple juice. Often a Blue Baja is garnished with a pineapple slice and a cherry and decorated with a tiny paper umbrella.
• 1 ounce White Rum
• 1/2 ounce Blue Curacao
• 1 ounce Pineapple Juice
• 1 ounce Cream of Coconut
• 1 tsp Sugar
Mix all ingredients in a shaker half filled with ice cubes. Strain into an old fashioned glass half filled with crushed ice. Decorate with a paper umbrella.
• 1 ounce Blue Curacao
• 1 ounce Coconut Cream
• 2 ounce Pineapple Juice
• 1 ounce Light Rum
• Pineapple slice
• Cherries
Fill a blender with 3 ounces of crushed ice and pour in all ingredients. Blend the ingredients at low speed for about 15 seconds or until smooth. Pour into a goblet, garnish as desired and serve.
BEWARE: Please beware of the guys in the street selling boat charters. If you wait till the day you are fishing and go to the dock where your boat is many times people will mislead you to another boat or dock trying to put you on a boat that was not meant for you. You need to have a person guide you to your boat, who is from a reputable charter company. This way there is no confusion or misleading. Please remember when renting Sport fishing boats in Cabo that you rent your boat from reputable and established business. Walk into a fishing fleet office and ask questions about what you are getting and what are the costs? You don't want to rent boats from vendors in the streets and you do not want to book through shady websites offering you the world. Check through travel forums about reputable fishing fleets to deal with. Look for testimonials about the fleet your booking, your charter with. Ask about what will the boat be supplying? Will it include beverages or lunches? How much does it cost to fillet your catch? Check to see if charter boat is insured? Ask about getting your catch smoked? Check cost of a fishing license. These are just a few things to consider when booking your charter boat. We will be talking more about this in the next weeks fishing report. Until next time good fishing and we hope to see you in Cabo soon. Come by the office here in Cabo and get all the latest up to date fishing report. http://www.jcsportfishing.com http://youtu.be/tSXN6pifQyQ
As the Admiral Seas It
Fishing Report: 8/17/15 to 8/24/15
Stop By Our Office for up to Date Fishing Report.
Blue Marlin Fishing on Fire in Cabo !!
40lb to 50lb Wahoo being Caught all Week!!
Were Still Knocking the Sailfish Out !!
Tuna non Existent this Past Week!
Dorado: A few Small Ones!!
Mexican Fish Limits Inside?
JC says:My New Book is Coming out ?
JC,s Book : “My Marlin Legends & Lies”
Captain Chris says: Wow, JC is a Wako!!
Fish Report Boy has a Schoolgirl Laugh!!
Rooster Fish Information Inside!
JC,s Blues Baja Drink Recipe Inside!!
2 Baja Recipes Inside!!
JC,s Lobster Taco Al Carbone!
JC,s Baja Lobster Macoroni and Cheese!!
HEADLINES: August 24, 2015:
JC screamed: “Look Fish Report Boy, Captain Chris is a friend of mine and he doesn’t come by my office to try and take your job, Actually no one wants that stupid job I pay you to do. The fish reports looks like a Schoolgirl wrote them anyway. This is not the Bluebirds Troop 15, my reports mean a lot to me!! Besides Captain Chris is way too busy to be writing this thing you call a FISH REPORT. He is a Mango Farmer also, up in the East Cape, the clown has orchards of Mangos he doesn’t know what to do with them. Fish Report Boy laughed and said: “I thought there was something fishy about that dude, I never have trusted him. Look JC, tell Captain Chris to don’t even think of trying to take my reporters job or mess with me!! Just tell the guy when I was travelling with the Circus, when I was in my teens, I fought 2 midgets at the same time and they were both knife throwers. I took them both out!! So tell your buddy Captain Chris to bug out!! And by the way JC: “Stop lying to everyone about some phony new book coming out, “My Marlin Legends & Lies” what's that all about. JC laughed and said: Go Lil Man, get out of my office now!! And then he said: “Fish Report Boy you are just a pawn in this chess match”.
Jc Sportfishing Charters is a family owned and operated business and has been fishing in Cabo San Lucas for the past 18 years. Jerry, explains that his charter business is geared more for families and novice anglers, making sure everyone who charters a boat with him have a great time and lots of fun. We welcome families, and groups. We want everyone who fishes with us to take all the sites in and have a memorable experience. This is what is most important to us. We have and do a few tournaments each year and can cater to fisherman who might be interested in tournament fishing. Well lets get on with the fishing report for this past week.
WEATHER: It has been pretty nice, but really hot. That is to be expected, though this time of year, over the last month we have been pretty lucky as it has been pretty calm down south with really no storms forming. We are in the middle of the summer and still have another month and a half to go, to get out of the woods, as far as hurricanes and storms. Highs are pushing a 100 degrees in the daytime when the sun is shining but we have seen a few days of overcast and a few drops of rain a couple days
WATER: Just like it was last week, and hasn’t changed much in over a week the warm water is here to stay awhile and it feels like a bathtub if you spend time in it. The temps I noticed on the Tempbreak map was 85 to 90 degrees, which is pretty warm all over. If we could get some decent weather I think the fishing would be off the hook. Please check out the Tempbreak map link below to get a good idea on water temperatures.
BILLFISH: Blue Marlin fishing is still pretty good with quite a few being landed this past week. That makes like 2 weeks in a row we have been seeing some good Blue Marlin fishing with the 95 spot for the 1150 the areas Marlin is being taken in numbers. Please remember to release all your BILLFISH for the next generation to catch and release. Most all the fish being caught is landed on live bait and lures.
DORADO: A few small Dorados are being caught, but nothing major really.
SWORDFISH: Hasn't heard of any caught this week.
WAHOO: Well, there has been a few Wahoo caught this past week. Most are in the 40lb to 50lb pound range. More than usual for this time of year.
TUNA: Not any Tuna insight over the last week and really haven’t seen any in over 2 to 3 weeks. Pretty slow, as Tuna goes.
INSHORE: Well the inshore action is about the same as last week with quite a few Roosters and Skip Jack being caught close to shore.
Rooster Fish Information!
Roosterfish, Nematistius pectoralis
The Roosterfish, Nematistius pectoralis, is one of the true exotics of the world, with a common Spanish name is papagallo and known locally as pez gallo, is a species in the family Nematistiidae, the Roosterfish, known as papagallos in Mexico. Globally, there is only this species in the genus Nematistius, and it is only found in Mexican waters of the Pacific.
The Roosterfish have elongated compressed bodies that are bluish gray in color with silvery reflections. They have four dark bars, one between their eyes, one across the rear part of their head, two obliquely curved black bands on their sides, one of which extends down the center of the caudal base. Their head is pointed and features simple teeth. Their first dorsal fin has seven spines the last six of which are very elongated; the second dorsal fin has one spine and 25 rays. Their anal fin base is much shorter than their dorsal fin base. Their caudal fin is deeply forked; they have long and curved pectoral fins that are longer than their pelvic fins.
The Roosterfish are a schooling species found along sandy shores at depths up to 60 feet. They can reach up to 1.91 meters (6 feet 3 inches) in length and 52 kg (114 pounds) in weight with the current I.G.F.A. world record being taken in waters off La Paz in 1960. A Roosterfish Weight from Length Conversion Table has been included in this website to allow the accurate determination of a fish weight and a return to the ocean unharmed. They are voracious ambush predators feeding on small fish. They prey on a variety of long slender fish (ladyfish, mullets, halfbeaks, and herrings) and have been known to swallow a 51 cm (20 inch) ladyfish whole. They are found in all Mexican waters of the Pacific with the exception that they are absent from the extreme northern portion of the Sea of Cortez.
The Roosterfish is an easy fish to identify due to its unique “rooster comb” and thus cannot be

The Roosterfish are a targeted species of recreational anglers as they are exceedingly strong and can make long runs. They can be caught via trolling live bait within a quarter mile of the beach or on live bait, or Ranger Plugs and Klassen Poppers off the beach. They are a seasonal species that follow mullet and are found in the greater Los Cabos area primarily during the months of May, June, and July. The Roosterfish is not a favorite of local fishermen. They do not focus on them but if caught as an incidental catch the smaller ones will be retained. Overall they are a poor food fish but are on occasion sold fresh in local markets to the uninformed.
Mexican Fishing Limits and Laws?
For those of you going to Cabo or any mexican destination, it may behoove you to know what exactly the limit is for varieties of gamefish that you may catch. You would hope, and should expect, the captain of your boat to inform you what that may be. But don't count on it, as I've seen a few catches posted here that are so far beyond what is allowed, it is almost shocking. Catch and release don't count, only what you keep and kill do. I'll start with the low limit ones.
You can only keep:
A single marlin, shark, sailfish, or swordfish per licensed angler.
Only 2 dorado or roosterfish per licensed angler.
No more than 5 of a single species, and no more than 10 overall constitute a limit, however, the the limits posted above count as 5. So 2 dorado and 1 kept swordfish and you're done for the day.
Pescas interpretation:
In ocean waters and estuaries the limit is a total of ten fish per day, with no more than 5 catches of a single specie, except of the species of Marlin, Sailfish, Swordfish and Shark, of which only one specimen of either is allowed, and which counts a five toward the overall 10 fish limit, or Dorado, Roosterfish, Shad, or Tarpon, of which only two samples of each specie are allowed, and which count a five toward the overall 10 fish limit.***
[*** Note: As explained by the Department of Fisheries office in San Diego, this means that if you catch 1 marlin (5 points) and 1 dorado (5 points), you have reached your limit for the day.
Other examples of full Mexican limits would be: 2 dorado; 1 dorado plus 5 miscellaneous species; or, 1 roosterfish plus 1 dorado.-- B.A.R.]
Limit on inland bodies of water (rivers, lakes, dams, etc.) is five fish per day, whether of a single specie or in combination.
Underwater fishing is limited to five fish per day, using rubber band or spring type harpoons, and only while skin-diving.
There is no limit to the practice of "catch and release," as long as the fish that exceed the bag limit be returned to their environment in good survival condition.
Where sport-fishing is conducted from boats out at sea for longer than three days, the bag limit will be the equivalent of three times the amounts mentioned above.
-- It is illegal to capture and maintain alive any fish or ornamental purposes.
-- It is prohibited to receive any financial gain from the product obtained through sportfishing.
-- It is prohibited to dump trash, litter or substances that harm the aquatic flora or fauna, whether on lakes, river banks, shores, or oceanic waters.
-- It is prohibited to collect shells, corals, sea anenomes and snails, or to disturb the original ecosystem environment.
-- It is prohibited to practice sportfishing 250 meters or less from swimmers.
-- It is prohibited to use artificial lighting to attract large quantities of fish.
-- It is prohibited to discharge firearms in Mexican waters.
-- Fish caught under a sportfishing license may not be filleted aboard the vessel from which it was caught.
-- It is requested that all unusual activities, occurrences or record catches be reported to the nearest office of the Oficina de Pesca, or to its representation in San Diego, CA, in order to ensure the preservation of the natural resources for the continued enjoyment of all fishermen.
From The Admirals Kitchen!
JC,s Lobster Taco Al Carbone!!
Yellow Tomato-Chipotle Salsa:
2 limes, zested and juiced
1 tablespoon chopped chipotle in adobo puree
2 teaspoons honey
1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
3 yellow tomatoes, halved, seeded and diced
1/2 small red onion, thinly sliced
1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro leaves, plus more for garnish
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
Lobster Taco:
2 1/2 pound lobster, parboiled and split in 1/2 lengthwise
Canola oil
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
3 green onions (dark and pale green part) thinly sliced
8 (6-inch) corn tortillas (wrapped in foil and warmed)
1 1/2 cups shredded Monterey Jack cheese
Whisk together the lime zest and juice, chipotle, honey and olive oil in a medium bowl. Add the tomatoes, onion and cilantro and mix until combined. Season with salt and pepper, to taste.
Taco:Heat grill to high.
Brush the lobster flesh with some of the canola oil and season with salt and pepper, to taste. Put on the grill, flesh side down, and grill until slightly charred and just cooked through, about 5 minutes. Remove the meat from the shell and coarsely chop. Put the chopped lobster into a bowl, along with the green onions and mix to combine.
Put the tortillas on a flat surface and evenly divide the cheese over the surface. Put a few heaping tablespoons of the lobster in the center. Fold the tortillas over, brush the tops with oil and grill, oil side down, until slightly charred, about 1 minute. Brush the top side of the tortillas with oil, flip over and continue grilling until slightly charred and cheese just melts. Arrange the tortillas on a serving platter and garnish with cilantro.
JC, s Baja Lobster Macaroni and Cheese!
4 tablespoons butter, plus 1 tablespoon for greasing dish
Kosher salt
1 pound penne pasta
2 small shallots, finely chopped
2 cloves garlic, chopped
Freshly ground black pepper
2 tablespoons tomato paste
5 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1/4 cup white wine
4 cups heavy cream
1/2 teaspoon sweet paprika
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 bay leaf
2 cups shredded sharp white Cheddar
2 cups shredded Gruyere
2 (8-ounce) raw lobster tails, defrosted if frozen, meat removed from shell, chopped
1/4 cup panko bread crumbs
1/4 cup freshly chopped parsley leaves
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F and adjust racks to the middle. Grease a 13 by 9-inch baking dish with butter.
In a large pot of boiling salted water over medium heat, add the pasta and cook until al dente. Drain the pasta and reserve.
Add 4 tablespoons butter to a large pot over medium heat. Once the butter shimmers, add the shallots and garlic and saute until translucent. Season with salt and pepper, to taste. Add the tomato paste and flour and stir to toast, about 3 to 4 minutes. Add the white wine and reduce, by half, about 2 minutes. Slowly add the cream, whisking well to remove any lumps. Add the paprika, cayenne, and bay leaf. Bring the cream up to a simmer and turn the heat to low. Let reduce until the cream is thick and can coat a spoon, about 5 to 10 minutes. When thickened, remove the bay leaves.
Stir in the grated cheeses, a handful at a time, combining well after each addition. Add the chopped lobster meat to the sauce and stir well. Add the pasta and stir. Add to the greased baking dish and sprinkle with the panko crumbs and parsley. Bake for 25 minutes. Remove from the oven and let rest for 10 minutes before serving. Sprinkle individual servings with parsley.
JC,s Blue Baja Drink!!
JC,s Blue Baja is a tropical drink made with Blue Curacao, run, pineapple juice and either creme de coconut or coconut cream. rum, pineapple juice. Often a Blue Baja is garnished with a pineapple slice and a cherry and decorated with a tiny paper umbrella.
• 1 ounce White Rum
• 1/2 ounce Blue Curacao
• 1 ounce Pineapple Juice
• 1 ounce Cream of Coconut
• 1 tsp Sugar
Mix all ingredients in a shaker half filled with ice cubes. Strain into an old fashioned glass half filled with crushed ice. Decorate with a paper umbrella.
• 1 ounce Blue Curacao
• 1 ounce Coconut Cream
• 2 ounce Pineapple Juice
• 1 ounce Light Rum
• Pineapple slice
• Cherries
Fill a blender with 3 ounces of crushed ice and pour in all ingredients. Blend the ingredients at low speed for about 15 seconds or until smooth. Pour into a goblet, garnish as desired and serve.
BEWARE: Please beware of the guys in the street selling boat charters. If you wait till the day you are fishing and go to the dock where your boat is many times people will mislead you to another boat or dock trying to put you on a boat that was not meant for you. You need to have a person guide you to your boat, who is from a reputable charter company. This way there is no confusion or misleading. Please remember when renting Sport fishing boats in Cabo that you rent your boat from reputable and established business. Walk into a fishing fleet office and ask questions about what you are getting and what are the costs? You don't want to rent boats from vendors in the streets and you do not want to book through shady websites offering you the world. Check through travel forums about reputable fishing fleets to deal with. Look for testimonials about the fleet your booking, your charter with. Ask about what will the boat be supplying? Will it include beverages or lunches? How much does it cost to fillet your catch? Check to see if charter boat is insured? Ask about getting your catch smoked? Check cost of a fishing license. These are just a few things to consider when booking your charter boat. We will be talking more about this in the next weeks fishing report. Until next time good fishing and we hope to see you in Cabo soon. Come by the office here in Cabo and get all the latest up to date fishing report. http://www.jcsportfishing.com http://youtu.be/tSXN6pifQyQ