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What can we be doing wrong?
My husband and I are fairly new to fishing. We used to fish off our boat every now and then when we had it docked in our back yard. Not really "into" it, just for fun. Now we have it moored about 45 min from our house, but we are now fishing every weekend from a bridge not far from our house and are getting more into it. For some reason, we are using the same bait, and tackle as everyone else at the bridge and we are the only ones not catching. What can we be doing wrong? We are using clam bellies as bait, and someone there suggested we use a "snapper hammer" so we got some of them too. Still the only ones not catching anything. They are catching skipjacks. Any tips on how we can "chage" that? What can we be doing wrong?
Welcome to the site Krista, are you fishing in Saltwater or Freshwater?
Hi Krista welcome to BFT. Along with the question from WH2 how are you rigging your rods, reels, bait etc... How far from the hook is the sinker?
Hi. We are fishing saltwater, In the warren/barrington RI area
[quote albinotrout]Hi Krista welcome to BFT. Along with the question from WH2 how are you rigging your rods, reels, bait etc... How far from the hook is the sinker?[/quote]

The snapper hammer we are using comes all rigged and is weighted. I attached a pic of what we use and its the same as what the others are using. We have 1 pole with the fake worm that came with it and 1 pole with the clam bellies that the bait shop and the others at the bridge recommended.

don't know why it didn't attach. Here is a link to it,
Looks like your pic didn't attach. I am sorry I won't be a very big help since I don't fish saltwater but here is a link to our salt water board. There are a lot of saltwater anglers there that will be able to help you.

[url ""][/url]
I feel your pain. How many times have I fished for fluke and the guys on both sides are catching and I'm not getting a bite. [mad]
But to answer your question, It looks like your after snapper blues with that rig. Any different color to their rigs or no color at all? Try different baits seeing as your both fishing at the same time and see if one works better like pieces of shrimp.Are they using a leader? Why aren't you using the boat to position yourself at different locations around the bridge. So many variables you have to work out to make a good day. Hopefully Bryan will chime in as well. And sometimes I still pull out what hair I have left out. [Wink]
Our boat is in New Bedford and we are in Rehoboth (about 45 min or so) and sometimes with 4 kids, getting any good fishing in on the boat while keeping an eye on them is difficult. We find it easier and more fun for the kids if we stay closer to home and don't have to worry about them going over board.

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