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Rivers End Tackle Report
August 25, 2013

[center]Best Bites[/center]
Striped Bass - The schoolie trend seems to be racheting up although slowly. More 4-7# bass are appearing along the shoreline from Hatchetts to the Thames. Mostly they're on reefs and other structure and feeding on coin sized butterfish. The Branford to Guilford reefs have the same small butters with schoolies on them.
Medium sized bass are at the Race, Plum Gut, Cornfield and Long Sand Shoal. Live or chunked bunker are the best bets except for the Race where eels at night are the best producer.
Bunker are still in good supply at the mouth of the Connecticut River.
Bluefish - Where are the big guys? The only teen sized blues I've heard of this week were at Montauk, and that's out of the WICC Contest. The usual rips are holding blues well under 10 pounds. The mouths of the Connecticut, Thames, Quinnipiac and Housatonic Rivers if they have bunker are the best spots to find a teen sized blue. Don't look for schools, the bigger fish are still loners in August. Some of the smaller reefs such as Cranes, Hens and Chickens and Cornfield can hold bigger blues.
If size doesn't matter try Plum Gut or Pigeon Rip. Not as many as across the Sound but Southwest Reef has some.
WICC Bluefish Contest - This weekend, August 24-25, starts at midnight Friday and ends 5pm Sunday. Once again we are a weigh in and registration center.
Snapper Blues - Running good and getting bigger. Good at the DEP Piers, Saybrook Point,Blackhall and Lieutenant Rivers and the Causeway.
Fluke - Some good reports coming from the south side of Montauk while the RI news still seems to be slower.
Locally it's still worthwhile to put some time in off Black Point, it doesn't seem as good as 2 weeks ago but not that bad either. Slower tides this week should make it easier to hold bottom.
The Tri-Shop Fluke Contest is on, call us 860-388-2283, Hillyers 860-443-7615 or the Fish Connection 860-885-1739 for details.
1st - Steve Barron - 11.85#
2nd - Glen Rokicki - 11.40#
3rd - Rich Reicherl - 10.70#
Porgies - They're also having a good run. happy reports coming in from Bartletts, Hatchetts, Race Rock, Cranes and Southwest Reefs.
Blue Crabs-I hate to say the same thing as last week but the only change is that the crabs are a bit bigger. A good to very good run at the Connecticut River Coves, Lieutenant and Blackhall Rivers also the DEP Piers and check out any pilings.
Bonito, False Albacore - Yes we've had some bonito reports this week from Weekapaug, Watch hill and Charlestown RI. Anyone seen any bay anchovies?
Blackfish - No reports came in this week.

- now on Summer hours
[center]Mon to Fri - 5am to 7pm
[center]Sat, Sun - 4am to 6pm


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Rivers End Tackle
440 Boston Post Road
Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475

[url ""][/url]
October 4, 2013

[center]Best Bites[/center]
Striped Bass - The lower Connecticut River is in the bass news this week. Bass and a few big ones have been caught in the lower River, mostly on bunker but a few were taken on surface plugs, we actually heard of a surface blitz near the bridges. There's still a lot of bunker in the Connecticut River and for that matter most rivers. There's also been some occaisional fish at Hatchetts, Cornfield and Bartletts. We haven't heard from Long Sand Shoal but it's worth checking this time of year.
The Race is off with as many bad trips as good. Montauk has been very good from a boat but slow from shore.
Bluefish - The Connecticut River scores again with some blues to go with the bass. Chunking with fresh bunker or hickory shad has been good from both shore and boat.
Reports from the Race and Plum Gut have been spotty.
Snapper Blues - We're still getting reports from North Cove and the Causeway. This may be one of the latest snapper seasons we've seen.
Fluke - We actually heard a report from Hillyers of a limit catch of fluke.
Tri-Shop Fluke Contest Final Results
1st - Steve Barron - 11.85#
2nd - Glen Rokicki - 11.40#
3rd - Joe Guliano - 10.95#
4th - Rich Reicherl - 10.70#
5th - Sam Dibner - 9.95#
6th - Tom Bongo Jr. - 9.70#
Porgies - Hatchetts and Bartletts have some good sized scup if you can get through all the mini sea bass.
Blue Crabs - The season has been extended due to warm weather. Crabs are still showing up on some marina pilings, but I think the best action is still in the channels.
Bonito, False Albacore - No credible first hand albie reports this week. We heard of bonito in the Newport area this week.
Blackfish - Season closed in CT until Oct. 10, but it's open in RI. Our 3 shop contest will be back this season with $1000 first place. We'll have crabs in the shop on October 9th.

- Early Fall Hours
[center]Mon to Fri - 6am to 6pm
[center]Sat- 5am to 5pm
Sun - 5am to 4pm


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Rivers End Tackle
440 Boston Post Road
Old Saybrook, Connecticut 064
October 11, 2013

[center]Best Bites[/center]
Striped Bass - The bunker are on the move this week, getting out of the rivers and running along the shoreline. From Guilford to Old Saybrook the past couple of days you can see several schools at on time. That's good, what isn't is that they are swimming unmolested by bass or blues. Some good bass have been taken at Hatchetts and Bartletts, good but not lots. The mouth of the Connecticut River is still giving up some nice sized bass both on bait and surface plugs, schoolies are at the Breakwaters and the Causeway.
Montauk was good the last two days for surfcasters as bay anchovies closed in on the Southside. Watch Hill has schoolies while the Breachways has larger fish and crowds.
Bluefish - The Race and Plum Gut have stepped up and a few more schools have been on the surface at Hatchetts and Black Point. The lower Connecticut River has some large ones and they've spilled over to to Long Sand Shoal and Cornfield
Fluke - One of the staff at Hillyers caught a couple this week. You've got to be dedicated.
Porgies - Good catches this week of big porgies and small sea bass on most rockpiles and the big reefs.
Bonito, False Albacore - There was a good albie bite last Friday at Montauk, but it was dead the next day. More reports of bonito from Newport and east. Maybe next year.
Blackfish - Season opened yesterday and a few souls braved the weather, actually the Sound on our side was pretty good but breezy. We weighed in a few today with no spots disclosed but they were all in shallow water.

The Tri-Shop Blackfish Contest is underway with $1000 first prize. You can register and weigh in at Hillyers, Fish Connection or Rivers End.
1st Place -- John Almquist -- 7.10#
2nd Place -- Bob Ventres -- 6.85#

- Early Fall Hours
[center]Mon to Fri - 6am to 6pm
[center]Sat- 5am to 5pm
Sun - 5am to 4pm


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Rivers End Tackle
440 Boston Post Road
Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475

[url ""][/url]
October 25, 2013

[center]Best Bites[/center]
Striped Bass - The bass in the mouth of the Connecticut River are thinning out. There's still small schoolies, under 20" hanging out in South Cove and a few real big ones pushing over 30# hanging closer to the bunker schools. A few smaller schools of bunker are still there too, but dropping water temps should move them out in a couple of days. Some of the bigger bass have been caught on bunker or hickory shad chunks at the DEP Piers.
Bass have also been following the bunker schools outside the River. This week there were bass blitzes at the Old Saybrook Town Beach where a 40 pounder was beached and the Pavillion in Old Lyme where bass and blues cornered the bunker.
Out on Long Sand Shoal some of those jumbo bass can also be found.
Word from RI is mostly schoolies with few larger bass on the Breachway night tides.
Montauk shore bass have moved west to the sand beaches.
Bluefish - The Race has finally been stocked with some more blues, mostly medium sized. The mouth of the Connecticut River and Long Sand Shoal has some monsters in the mid teens mostly being caught deep on bait. Southwest and Six Mile Reefs also have some lone jumbos.
Porgies - About the same situation as last week, some big porgies on most reefs if you can get through the small sea bass.
Bonito, False Albacore - Fuggetaboudit, start your prayers for next year.
Blackfish - Now that the season is a couple of weeks old most of the low hanging fruit has been picked. A limit of 16" and better blacks is an accomplishment. We have been getting reports of the short/keeper ratio running as high as 10 to 1. Action in the usual deeper water spots, 30+', is picking up. The last few days wind and temps should move the blacks around. Southwest and Black Point are getting better but don't abandon the shallow spots all together.The leader in our blackfish contest was caught from shore, that's pretty shallow.
The Tri-Shop Blackfish Contest is underway with $1000 first prize. You can register and weigh in at Hillyers, Fish Connection or Rivers End.
1st Place -- Scott Schneider -- 12.35#
2nd Place -- Wilson Mejias -- 11.50#
3rd Place -- Jeff Tyrol -- 11.00#

- Early Fall Hours
[center]Mon to Fri - 6am to 6pm
[center]Sat- 5am to 5pm
Sun - 5am to 4pm


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Rivers End Tackle
440 Boston Post Road
Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475

November 22, 2013
This is our last report of the season.
We'll keep you updated through the winter as things happen. It's been our pleasure to communicate with you through the season and thanks for putting up with my on line screw ups. Have a good winter.

[center]End of Season Sale - Friday-Saturday Nov. 29-30
We're having our annual after Thanksgiving Sale with 15% off all reels and 20% off everything else in that's in stock (except used tackle, gift certificates and licenses). There's not a better time to get that rod or reel you've been lusting or get your buddy the outfit he's been borrowing from you. [/center]

[center]Best Bites
Striped Bass - Not much going on except for some reports of small bass along the RI shore, the Old Lyme shore, Millstone, Harkness and the mouth of the Housatonic. Time to switch over to fishing for winter holdovers soon.
A good bet is usually Long Sand Shoal that generally has school bass well into December.
Reports from Long Island have slowed and picked up in Northern NJ as bass follow the sand eels.
Bluefish - Nada reports.
Porgies - Nada too.
Blackfish - Only a few souls have reported catching at SW Reef.
The Tri-Shop Blackfish Contest is underway with $1000 first prize. You can register and weigh in at Hillyers, Fish Connection or Rivers End.
1st Place -- Scott Schneider -- 12.35#
2nd Place -- Wilson Mejias -- 11.50#
3rd Place -- Jeff Tyrol -- 11.00# [/center]
Hours - Winter Hours effective Monday November 18th. This will be the last weekend we will be opening at 6am.
[center]Mon to Fri - 9am to 6pm
[center]Sat- 6am to 4pm
Sun - 6am to 4pm

You may have heard that I've retired, well that's partially true. Rivers End has been sold to long time customer and friend, Joe Thomas. I'm going to still work in the shop a couple of days a week. Q, Mark and the rest of the crew, dogs included will still be here.
I want to thank all of you for giving me the best job in the world and putting up with me these past 28 years. My plan is to make up for lost fishing, outdoors and family time. I'm still going to try keeping up this newsletter. You can still contact me at the shop.
Thanks again,
Pat Abate
Sunday Fly Tying with the ConnRi Coastal Fly Fishers most Sunday at noon. Just show up with your vise and stuff, pull up a seat and tie with some talented and helpful tiers. Check with us for dates.
February Lure Sale
All lures are on sale for the month. To keep it simple it's going to be a flat 20% off all lures. In store and in stock only.

Our first Seminar of the season features Capt. Jim White, Saturday Feb. 15 at 2 pm, don't miss this one about catching stripers on light tackle. Jim not only knows his stuff, but his delivery will make you want to head right to the water now.

Winter Classes and Seminars[/center]

[left]Sundays - noon to 3pm [/left]
Feb.6, 13, 20- Rod Building - "Q" Kresser - Learn the basics of building a rod. Three evenings, reservation and fee required, call shop for details.
Feb 15, 2pm- Light Tackle Stripers - Capt. Jim White - Always informative, Jim will put you up to speed with his innovative take on tackle and techniques that you can really use.
March 5, 12, 19 - Saltwater Fly Tying - Mark Lewchik - Learn how to tie some standard and innovative patterns from one of the best tiers in New England. Reservations and fee required. You'll need a vise and tools, we'll supply the rest.
Mar. 8, 2pm - Carp - Kevin Job - Kevin is the guy with a wealth of local and practical knowledge for catching the other big fish in our area. Learn a simple approach with tackle you already own that will put a big bend in your rod.
Mar.22- Striper Surf Day - 10am - 4pm. Our annual celebration of chasing stripers through the waves. Speakers plus factory reps, food, demonstrations and great time with old friends.
Apr. 5, 2pm - CastingStrategies - Capt. Jack Sprengel -Jack's last 2 seminars changed jigging techniques, now he'll show you some new casting strategies and methods. Don't miss this one.
Apr. 10, 6pm - Stripers in the Connecticut River - Pat Abate - We have long believed that this river has a world class spring fishery. Let's share some of the knowledge.
Apr.12, 2pm - Kayak Fishing - Tom Fuccini - Tom is a local kayaker who has mastered taking huge stripers from his kayak. Learn how to rig and fish from a kayak from someone with firsthand knowledge.
Apr. 26 - Saltwater Fly Fishing School - Lou Tabory, "Q" Kresser
A full day of learning the techniques and tricks of saltwater fly fishing both in classroom and on the beach with hands on instruction from experts. Fee is $150 and includes lunch.

Seminars start at 2pm or 6pm and are free unless noted.
Please park in rear.
Call the shop 860-388-2283 for more details

[left] [/left]

Rivers End Tackle
440 Boston Post Road
Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475

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[left][font "tahoma,sans-serif"][#000000][size 1]Rivers End Tackle | 440 Boston Post Road | Old Saybrook | CT | 06475[/size][/#000000][/font][/left]

Shop Happenings Feb. 21, 2014
Tomorrows Seminar is Capt. Jim White Talking About Stripers on Light Tackle
at 2pm. Jim not only knows his stuff, but his delivery will have you rushing to the water after the seminar. Learn how to use some old standards and new creations to fool bass around here. You'll definitely get some pointers from Jim.
Saltwater Fly Tying Classes with Mark Lewchik - March 5, 12 and 19 at 6pm. It's a hands on class that will have you tie two patterns per night. You'll need a vise and a few basic tools. Whether you're just starting or want to learn some advanced techniques. Cost is $65 and includes
materials, Class size is limited, call us for details.

Avet Reel prices going up. Avet raised their prices on Jan. 1. In anticipation we loaded up on inventory before the increase. Unfortunately that inventory is dwindling and we'll have to raise our prices on March 1.

The Flying Squids have landed. The long awaited Flying Squid lures from Northbar Tackle have arrived. These look like a winner for casting distance and action. If it's from Northbar you know they invested several years in testing and perfecting it. Until the end of the month you can take advantage of our February Lure Sale.
Sunday Fly Tying with the ConnRi Coastal Fly Fishers most Sundays at noon. Just show up with your vise and stuff, pull up a seat and tie with some talented and helpful tiers. Check with us for dates.

February Lure Sale
All lures are on sale for the month. To keep it simple it's going to be a flat 20% off all lures. In store and in stock only.

[center]Winter Classes and Seminars [/center]
[left]Sundays - noon to 3pm [/left]
Feb.6, 13, 20- Rod Building - "Q" Kresser - Learn the basics of building a rod. Three evenings, reservation and fee required, call shop for details.
Feb 22, 2pm- Light Tackle Stripers - Capt. Jim White - Always informative, Jim will put you up to speed with his innovative take on tackle and techniques that you can really use.
March 5, 12, 19 - Saltwater Fly Tying - Mark Lewchik - Learn how to tie some standard and innovative patterns from one of the best tiers in New England. Reservations and fee required. You'll need a vise and tools, we'll supply the rest.
Mar. 8, 2pm - Carp - Kevin Job - Kevin is the guy with a wealth of local and practical knowledge for catching the other big fish in our area. Learn a simple approach with tackle you already own that will put a big bend in your rod.
Mar.22- Striper Surf Day - 10am - 4pm. Our annual celebration of chasing stripers through the waves. Speakers plus factory reps, food, demonstrations and great time with old friends.
Apr. 5, 2pm - CastingStrategies - Capt. Jack Sprengel -Jack's last 2 seminars changed jigging techniques, now he'll show you some new casting strategies and methods. Don't miss this one.
Apr. 10, 6pm - Stripers in the Connecticut River - Pat Abate - We have long believed that this river has a world class spring fishery. Let's share some of the knowledge.
Apr.12, 2pm - Kayak Fishing - Tom Fuccini - Tom is a local kayaker who has mastered taking huge stripers from his kayak. Learn how to rig and fish from a kayak from someone with firsthand knowledge.
Apr. 26 - Saltwater Fly Fishing School - Lou Tabory, "Q" Kresser
A full day of learning the techniques and tricks of saltwater fly fishing both in classroom and on the beach with hands on instruction from experts. Fee is $150 and includes lunch.

Seminars start at 2pm or 6pm and are free unless noted.
Please park in rear.
Call the shop 860-388-2283 for more details

[left] [/left]

Rivers End Tackle
440 Boston Post Road
Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475

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[font "Comic Sans MS"][#ff0000][size 5]March 6, 2014[/size][/#ff0000][/font]
This Saturday March 8,2014 ,2pm-- Carp with Kevin Jobs
That's right carp, the other big fish you can catch from shore. Kevin has a sensible approach to catching some big fish that, forgive me, fight like striped bass and can be caught on tackle you already own. Best of all you can find some good water less than a 30 minute drive from home.

Striper Surf Day March 22, 10-4.
Join us and fellow surf rats for a season kick off. We'll have our usual culinary experiments, lots of demos, great seminars, door prizes and some once a year bargains.
Bill Wetzl is giving a seminar on "Reading the Water". I attended a seminar this week that Bill talked about fishing Montauk. I left there with some great insights on somewhere I've fished for 50 years, lots of laughs and energized for the season. Don't miss this.
Steve McKenna is speaking on "The Top 10 Surf Lures". Steve has a half century on the surf and has caught more cows than the a large dairy farm has. He has the most practical and hands on
knowledge of surf lures on New England beaches. Steve will also be loading Red Fins.
Toby Lapinski will demonstrate how to make the classic rigged eel.
Dennis Zambrotta will demo how to rig eel bobs as well as show you how to use teasers. He'll also be signing copies of his book "Surfcasting Around the Block"
Zeno Hromin will demo his online magazine "Surfcasters Journal"
Adam Romagna is displaying antique lures and can help you identify an appraise your old lures, bring your oldies with you.
They'll be plenty of reps form the top surf tackle companies.

[center]Winter Classes and Seminars [/center]
[left]Mar. 8, 2pm - Carp -[/left]
Kevin Job -
Kevin is the guy with a wealth of local and practical knowledge for catching the other big fish in our area. Learn a simple approach with tackle you already own that will put a big bend in your rod.
Mar.22- Striper Surf Day

Striper Surf Day March 22, 10-4.
It's finally here, a sure sign of Spring. Come down and join us and fellow surf rats for a season kick off. We'll have our usual culinary experiments, lots of demos, great seminars, door prizes and some once a year bargains. A couple of changes in the door prizes. We're hoping to avoid the tie up and the end and winding up with prizes for which we can't locate the winner.We're going to have the first drawing at 11:45, the second at 1:15 and the last at 3:30. You must be present to win.
Bill Wetzl is giving a seminar on "Reading the Water". approximately 10:00am I attended a seminar this week that Bill talked about fishing Montauk. I left there with some great new insights on somewhere I've fished for 50 years. Lots of laughs and an energized lecture to motivate you for the season. Don't miss this.
Steve McKenna is speaking on "The Top 10 Surf Lures". approximately 1:30pm. Steve has a half century on the surf and has caught more cows than the a large dairy farm has. He has the most practical and hands on knowledge of surf lures
on New England beaches. Steve will also be loading Red Fins. Another don't miss seminar.

Toby Lapinski will demonstrate how to make the classic rigged eel. If you're not using riggies, here's a chance to learn from an expert.
Dennis Zambrotta will demo how to rig eel bobs as well as show you how to use teasers. He'll also be signing copies of his book "Surfcasting Around the Block"
Dave Anderson and Tommy Corrigan will demo his online magazine "Surfcasters Journal"
Adam Romagna is displaying antique lures and can help you identify an appraise your old lures, bring your oldies with you.
They'll be plenty of reps from the top surf tackle companies.

[center]Winter Classes and Seminars [/center]
Mar.22- Striper Surf Day [/left]
- 10am - 4pm.
Our annual celebration of chasing stripers through the waves. Speakers plus factory reps, food, demonstrations and great time with old friends.
Apr. 5, 2pm - CastingStrategies
- Capt. Jack Sprengel -

Jack's last 2 seminars changed jigging techniques, now he'll show you some new casting strategies and methods. Don't miss this one.
Apr. 10, 6pm - Stripers in the Connecticut River - Pat Abate -

Apr.12, 2pm - Kayak Fishing -Tom Fuccini -
Tom is a local kayaker who has mastered taking huge stripers from his kayak. Learn how to rig and fish from a kayak from someone with firsthand knowledge.
Apr. 26 - Saltwater Fly Fishing School - Lou Tabory, "Q" Kresser

Seminars start at 2pm or 6pm and are free unless noted.
Please park in rear.
Call the shop 860-388-2283 for more details

[left] [/left]

Rivers End Tackle
440 Boston Post Road
Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475

[url ""][/url]
Thanks to all for coming to Surf Day. It was a great time for all. If you have any suggestions for next years event we would like to hear from you.

Next weeks seminar with Capt. Jack Sprengel has been changed.
Jack had a change in his schedule that he couldn't avoid and has asked Capt. BJ Silva to take over.
April 5th, 2pm-- Fluke Fishing with Capt. BJ Silva.
Capt. BJ is a noted Rhode Island charter captain who fishes for all inshore species but loves fluking. BJ recently wrote an article in On the Water on fluke.

[center]Winter Classes and Seminars [/center]
Apr. 10, 6pm - Stripers in the Connecticut River - Pat Abate - [/left]

Apr.12, 2pm - Kayak Fishing -Tom Fuccini -
Tom is a local kayaker who has mastered taking huge stripers from his kayak. Learn how to rig and fish from a kayak from someone with firsthand knowledge.
Apr. 26 - Saltwater Fly Fishing School - Lou Tabory, "Q" Kresser

Seminars start at 2pm or 6pm and are free unless noted.
Please park in rear.
Call the shop 860-388-2283 for more details

[left] [/left]

Rivers End Tackle
440 Boston Post Road
Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475

[url ""][/url]

First Fishing Report -- May 1, 2014
It's off to a disappointing start but we should be used to severe swings in the weather. The flooding we'll see in the next few days will affect the Connecticut River and most other rivers and streams to some degree.
However as of this afternoon they were catching striped bass on worms on most of the piers in the lower Connecticut River. Reports from boat fisherman in the river were not as good. I expect the shorebound bait fishing to hold up through the flooding but they'll be tough to find in the main body of the River for a few days.
Reports from the Housatonic River have been good to very good for stripers. The brown water flowing down might push some of the winter hold over bass down to the Sound.
A few winter flounder have been caught in the Niantic River, verified by Matt Hillyer.
Fluke and blackfish are closed in CT but open in RI.

We've published the NY/ CT / RI fishing regs and will try to put it up on our website.
Tide tables have been printed an should arrive soon.

Rivers End Tackle
440 Boston Post Road
Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475

[url ""][/url]
Fishing Report -- May 16, 2014 Striped Bass - The lower Connecticut River is still fishing well. We've seen occasional keeper bass up to 33" as well as many schoolies this week. Shore bound anglers have been doing well at the usual spots on sandworms. Boat anglers have been doing well using soft plastics on lead head jigs as well as unweighted. It seems like some of the larger fish have been taking surface spooks such as the Rebel Jumpin Minnow. One customer has been getting a lot of fish on the Daiwa SP minnow. Reliable sources have told us that some bunker have arrived in the past few days in the river. Last night bunker were spotted flipping out in front of the DEP dock.
Bass are also filtering out on the beaches on either side of the river. I'm guessing this week we'll see some fish either in the Race or the Gut.
We've heard very sparse reports from RI, but word is that there are a lot of squid around.
Bluefish - No reports here, but they're loaded in Long Island in places like Peconic Bay and out near the east end.
Winter Flounder - The season is now open til the end of the year. There's a few in the Niantic River.
Fluke - Season opens tomorrow, Saturday, May 17th both here and NY. Locally, we've heard that draggers working off Branford have been getting them. We also heard that a few large fluke up to 7 pounds were caught from one of the New Haven bridges. The RI party boats have hit some over at Block and we heard some reports of catch and release fluke at Montauk. None of these were doormats.
Our Flat Out Fluke Contest is open call us or stop in for details
Blackfish - Closed in CT until July but open in RI. No reports though.
Porgies - Open season but no reports also.
Weakfish - We've heard of a few being caught in the New Haven area. NY and NJ are having one of the better early Spring runs.

Tide tables are in [url ""][/url]
Rivers End Tackle
440 Boston Post Road
Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475

[url ""][/url]
Fishing Report -- May 23, 2014
Striped Bass - Finally we're getting some consistent reports of bass on the local reefs. They've been in Plum Gut for a few days and on the Westbrook/ Clinton Reefs just a couple of days, this morning they showed up on Bartletts Reef. A few boats are trying the Race today and they should find them there also, we'll have confirmation tomorrow.
Even though there's bunker around you'll do a lot better with bucktails either cast, drifted or trolled now. Bunker are in the Connecticut and Housatonic Rivers, Westbrook and New Haven Harbors.
The schoolie action in the lower Connecticut River is slowing down in numbers with more keepers in the mix. Top water lures are now the best producers, unfortunately we can expect another week of muddy waters and floating debris.
Word from Long Island is lower numbers of bass along the South Shore.
Bluefish - We still haven't had a confirmed report of bluefish in the Connecticut River. Usually we see the around May 12th. I can't believe that no one has got "bit off". Long Island has had bluefish bonanza since mid month.
Winter Flounder - The season is now open til the end of the year. There's a few along the Waterford beaches.
Fluke - Still on the slow side for this date but I think that lack of effort due to weather is a factor since the season opened. Best reports we've heard are coming from the south side of Fishers Island. Montauk and Block have fish with smaller fluke dominating the catches.
We've heard of a few incidental catches off the Old Lyme to Waterford shoreline, my guess is that it's worthwhile trying near home.
Our Flat Out Fluke Contest is open call us or stop in for details. Will Strausser is leading with a 5.65 pounder.
Blackfish - Closed in CT until July but open in RI.
Porgies - Open season but no reports also.
Weakfish - More reports than we've had in at least 10 years. Most of the action is in the Milford to Guilford area. We haven't had a lot of specifics for locations.

Hours - We're changing to early Summer hours.
Mon - Fri 5am -- 7pm
Saturday 5am -- 6pm
Sunday 5am -- 5pm
Memorial Day, May 26th we'll be open from 5am to 3pm
[url ""][/url]
Rivers End Tackle
440 Boston Post Road
Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475

[url ""][/url]
Fishing Report -- May 30, 2014
Striped Bass - May is wrapping up but the bass are acting like it's mid month. Bass have been thinning out in the mouth of the Connecticut River. It's the usual numbers are down and sizes are up. Most reports are less fish than previous springs. There will still be some decent sized and spooky bass along Great Island for a couple of weeks.
More reports are coming in of small to medium sized bass on the Westbrook Reefs to Long Sand Shoal. Bucktails trolled on wire has been the best bet even though there's a lot of bunker around. They don't seem to be schooled up in any one area. Similar reports are coming from the Race and Plum Gut. Live bait can't get through the blues at those spots.
This should be the weekend we see some bass on Long Sand Shoal, a few have been taken on the west end. Bartletts has some small to medium sized bass as well.
Bunker are in around in good numbers from New Haven to RI. Squid are also around from the Sound to Narragansett Bay. The lack of bait excuse can't be used.
Bluefish - The Race and Plum Gut have a good number of medium sized blues with larger ones up in Peconic Bay. Small to medium sizes are also coming off the Westbrook Reefs.
Winter Flounder - The season is now open til the end of the year, no reports this week.
Fluke - Some encouraging reports the last few days. Block Island is scoring some decent sizes on the west side and inside Orient has also turned on. Good squid reports from RI and Peconic Bay.
Niantic Bay has picked up this week and I'd expect to see some fluke off the Old Lyme and Waterford shoreline.
Our Flat Out Fluke Contest is open call us or stop in for details. Steve Barron is leading with a 7.80 pounder.
Blackfish - Closed in CT until July but open in RI.
Porgies - The serious scuppers have been getting some big ones inside Peconic Bay. We weighed in a 3.80 pounder last week. No reports around here but I suspect it's from lack of effort.
Weakfish - They're not slaying them but consistent reports from West Haven, Branford, Peconic and Narragansett Bays. No reports from local waters.

Hours - We're changing to early Summer hours.
Mon - Fri 5am -- 7pm
Saturday 5am -- 6pm
Sunday 5am -- 5pm
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Rivers End Tackle
440 Boston Post Road
Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475

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Fishing Report -- June 6, 2014
Striped Bass - The mouth of the Connecticut River turned on yesterday morning with some nice sized bass hitting on the surface. This morning the fleet was out with not much action. Summary, some larger bass are coming into the River from the Sound and others now dropping back from upriver. Every day is a different game, rumor is they were upriver this morning. Some schoolies were at the mouth of South Cove this AM. Still a lot of bunker in the mouth of the River with some schools as far north as Essex.
The Branford, Clinton and Westbrook reefs have some medium sized bass with trolling still being the best method with bucktails and spoons the most consistent producers. No one has reported a concentration of bass on any of the reefs, you just gotta keep picking away at them.
The Race and Plum Gut have similar reports with inconsistent action, one day good the next poor.
Bluefish - The best action has been in the Race and Plum Gut. There has been solid action along the Westbrook reefs this week. We've also heard they have arrived thick in Shinnecock Bay. This morning we heard our first report of a bluefish caught inside the CT River. They seem to be late to our area this year.
Winter Flounder - The season is now open til the end of the year. Not many reports but Hillyers heard of a 4 pound plus flounder caught this week by a reliable source.
Fluke - One of the more reliable areas this week has been along the south side of Fishers Island. Block Island reports this week have been spotty. We've also heard of some being caught in Niantic Bay. Locally, fluking has improved in the Clinton/Westbrook area.
Our Flat Out Fluke Contest is open call us or stop in for details. Steve Barron is still leading with a 7.80 pounder.
Blackfish - Closed in CT until July but open in RI.
Porgies - No reports around here but I suspect it's from lack of effort.
Weakfish - Still most of the action is to the west of Guilford but we did have a report last Friday of some small weaks caught behind Great Island.

Hours - We're changing to early Summer hours.
Mon - Fri 5am -- 7pm
Saturday 5am -- 6pm
Sunday 5am -- 5pm
[url ""][/url]
Rivers End Tackle
440 Boston Post Road
Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475

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Fishing Report -- June 20, 2014
Striped Bass - It's been a good week in the lower Connecticut River up until this morning. The inconsistency is about the only consistent thing in the fishery. Some nice sized bass are hitting large surface lures when they're there and in the mood. This is normally the fishing we'd expect to see in late May and early June. Also we're losing the good tide pattern of this past week so I'd expect it to slow down in the River.
There's also been bass on Long Sand Shoal, Bartletts, the Sluiceway and Plum Gut. They're not killing them but picking away mostly with live bunker, which is in good supply.
Watch Hill is still enjoying a decent squid run with bass in pursuit but like most spots it's not an every day happening. The Clinton/ Westbrook Reefs are still struggling to give up a few bass.
Bluefish - The lower Connecticut River still has some big one hitting on surface lures as well as bunker chunks. The Clinton/ Westbrook Reefs also have them but deeper, the same in Plum Gut.
Winter Flounder - No reports.
Sea Bass - Season opens in CT on 6/21 (tomorrow), in NY on 7/15 and in RI on 6/29.
Fluke - The mouth of the Connecticut River has had the first reports this week of some decent fluke from shore side as well as boat. Long Sand Shoal has also had the first reports of the season. The south side of Fishers is still giving up some nicer sized fluke for those putting in the time. the Mattituck area has some good numbers of fluke under the schools of sand eels.
Block Island also has some sand eels and we heard a few good reports but not consistent.
Our Flat Out Fluke Contest is open call us or stop in for details. Will Strausser is still leading with a 7.90 pounder.
Blackfish - Closed in CT until July.
Porgies - They're starting on Bartletts, Hens and Chickens and Cranes. I suspect they're on most rockpiles that haven't reported in. Sizes are on the smaller side.
Weakfish - No reports this week.

New Hours - We're changing to Summer hours.
Mon - Fri 5am -- 7pm
Saturday 4am -- 6pm
Sunday 4am -- 5pm
[url ""][/url]
Rivers End Tackle
440 Boston Post Road
Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475

[url ""][/url]
Fishing Report -- June 27, 2014
Striped Bass - The best reports this week have been from boats out at Block Island. Locally, the CT river has been giving up a few fish from the mouth up to the Essex area, but it's winding down fast in the river. There are some out at Long Sand Shoal now, and there have been some reports of bass in Plum Gut and the Race.

Bluefish - The lower Connecticut River still has some bigger fish hitting on surface lures as well as bunker chunks. The Clinton/ Westbrook Reefs also have them, but the best bet right now seems to be at Plum Gut and the Race.

Winter Flounder - No reports.

Sea Bass - Season is now open in CT, in NY on 7/15 and in RI on 6/29. We weighed in 3 sea bass last weekend in the 5+ lb. range. We've heard of excellent fishing all week from the Clinton area out to Black Point in Niantic and places further such as Block Island.

Fluke - Shorts dominate the reports we've been getting this week. There has been a slow pick at Block Island with an occasional doormat. Similarly, the south side of Fishers has been producing lots of shorts. We heard of a few good reports from west of Mattatuck and from the Ruins.
Our Flat Out Fluke Contest is open call us or stop in for details. Ray Koby is leading with an 8.10 pounder.

Blackfish - Closed in CT until July.

Porgies - We heard of some very good porgy fishing this week. They're at Bartletts, Hatchetts, Hens and Chickens and Cranes. I suspect they're on most rockpiles that haven't reported in. Sizes were better this week.

Summer hours.
Mon - Fri 5am -- 7pm
Saturday 4am -- 6pm
Sunday 4am -- 5pm
[url ""][/url]
Rivers End Tackle
440 Boston Post Road
Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475

[url ""][/url]


Fishing Report -- July 18, 2014
Striped Bass - It's better. The slaughter at Montauk has slowed a bit but still continues as of yesterday. On this side we're starting to see some more consistency at Long Sand Shoal and the Westbrook/ Clinton Reefs. A few nicer bass have been reported from the River mouth to Hatchetts. The Race and Plum Gut are still disappointing with just schoolies coming from the Race. We had a good local report with tube and worm, which may be a good way to locate scattered bass.
Chunkers fishing the mouth of the Connecticut River have scored a few nice bass fishing nights this week.
The mouth of the Connecticut River is still loaded with bunker,but they've been tougher to find at daybreak.
Let's start pushing for some realistic stock rebuilding.

Bluefish - Still in short supply. A few jumbos in the mouth of the Connecticut River. A few small ones in the Race, Plum Gut is a bit better.
The WICC Bluefish Contest is scheduled for August 23-24.

Sea Bass - Good reports coming in from south of Six Mile Reef and the Bloody Grounds as well as Block. 4+ pound fish are not uncommon.

Fluke - Deep off Black Point is still producing some nice sizes this week as is some of the deeper waters off Clinton. Block has been good with on and off dogfish playing interference. There's also been a pickup in action off the Waterford beaches as well as Saras Ledge.
Will Ward is leading the Flat Out Fluke Contest with a 10.30 pounder

Blue Crabs - It's good but it's still mid July. We've been hearing of catches of 10-15 keepers from the DEP Piers.
Fishing Report -- August 1, 2014 Striped Bass - I know these reports have had a negative tone this summer but we have to call 'em how we see 'em. There are some pockets of very good bassing but in between those hot spots it's a pick. Some anglers are having a decent year, most striper anglers are not. The only pattern we see on the successful ones is they are putting in a lot more effort for fewer fish. Just go for it. When it's good we'll say so, when it's not we'll call it like we see it.
Generally slow early this week with a slow pick at a few local spots. Live bait produced a few bass at Long Sand Shoal and Cornfield in the latter part of the week while the Race had slow pick most of the week. Block still has some big bass on the South side at both corners of the Island.
Anglers fishing bunker chunks at the DEP Piers and Saybrook Point in the River have been getting some keepers mostly at night. Bunkers are plentiful at the mouth of the Connecticut River as well as most estuaries to the west.

Bluefish - The Race has picked up a bit this week as has Plum Gut. We also got the first reports of blues at Pigeon Rip. Locally we got good reports of some bigger blues at Southwest Reef, mostly on bait. As in the bass report, anglers fishing bunker chunks at the mouth of the Connecticut River are getting blues both day and night.
The WICC Bluefish Contest is scheduled for August 23-24.

Snapper Blues - Good action at the DEP Piers and near most estuaries. Most are around 4" and a few larger ones mixed in.

Sea Bass - Good reports from Bloody Grounds and Cerebus Shoals. Still enough good sized ones around most rockpiles and even flat bottom to make it worthwhile. Generally the deeper the water the bigger the fish.

Fluke - Same as last week good reports from the dedicated deep water anglers fishing off Fishers and Black Point.
Will Ward is leading the Flat Out Fluke Contest with a 10.30 pounder

Blue Crabs - A mix of shorts and keepers this week from the DEP Piers. It's not great but normal and it's still early for mostly big crabs.

Porgies - Still big sizes, small numbers. They're on most local reefs but you have to find them.

Bonito - No reports this week.

Summer hours.
Mon - Fri 5am -- 7pm
Saturday 4am -- 6pm
Sunday 4am -- 5pm [url ""][/url]
Rivers End Tackle
440 Boston Post Road
Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475
Fishing Report -- August 8, 2014
Striped Bass - Let's start off with some good news, sort of. There's a lot of bait around, for the first time in 2 years were seeing a lot of silversides near shore. Out on the reefs there's lots of terns picking up what looks like small sandeels. Mid Sound there's squid and in most harbors there's adult bunker and this week we had reports of peanut bunker in some harbors.
A couple of better bass reports this week in and around the Connecticut River. Not a lot but some mid sized bass are being caught along Great Island and outside the River at Long Sand Shoal and this week we heard about a few bass at Hatchetts. Montauk and Block still have some big bass but not the volume of a couple of weeks ago.
The Race is still slow, same with Bartletts.
Chunkers are getting a nice size bass from the Connecticut River Piers with the best action at night.

Bluefish - More consistent reports coming in this week from the Race, we haven't heard from the Gut but I suspect it's the same. The mouth of the Connecticut River has some of the bigger blue scattered about. Both Southwest and Six Mile Reefs have Based on some of the sizes we've been hearing about this summer we should see some very high teen sizes in the WICC Contest.
The WICC Bluefish Contest is scheduled for August 23-24.

Snapper Blues - Good but not exceptional action. We've been hearing some reports of snappers doing better on bait than lures.

Sea Bass - Still lots of reports but those big ones are harder to find. There's a lot small keepers around that you can make a small meal of your 3 fish limit. The reports we got have been vague or generalized as to where such as Cerebus Shoal, the west side of Block or the Frisbees.

Fluke - Good reports have come in from both Block and Montauk with decent sizes. Fishers has dropped down a notch from last week. Black Point and Hatchetts deep are still good but inside the shallower waters it's a pick of mostly shorts.
Will Ward is leading the Flat Out Fluke Contest with a 10.30 pounder

Blue Crabs - Again an average run but we may see some bigger sizes soon with this weeks tides.

Porgies - First reports of better numbers this week at Bartletts and some of the smaller reefs such as Hens and Chickens.

Bonito - This week we heard of the first confirmed catch of Bonito at Watch Hill, and a report of a bone caught trolling on Six Mile Reef by a local charter boat.

Summer hours.
Mon - Fri 5am -- 7pm
Saturday 4am -- 6pm
Sunday 4am -- 5pm
[url ""][/url]
Rivers End Tackle
440 Boston Post Road
Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475

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