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Gluing On Scotty Mounts
I have a Scadden Renegade. I would like to glue on a Scotty mount and put a Triple Rod Holder in it. To glue on the mount, I have a few questions:
1. Is Stabond the best adhesive?
2. Should I scratch up the bottom of the mount with a rasp? I don't want to scratch up the Renegade itself.
3. Is it best to apply the Scotty mount with the Renegade inflated?
4. How long do I need to apply hand pressure until I can feel assured that the mount is secured well?

Many thanks.
If you go with the Sta-bond be sure to get UK148 two part. It is pricey and only shelf life for a year.
OR, you can go with Loc-Tite
[url ",-Fabric-&-Plastic-Flexible-Adhesive.htm"],-Fabric-&-Plastic-Flexible-Adhesive.htm[/url]

Easy and a lot less expensive.
Deflate the boat, place the mount where you want it and outline it with masking tape. This will allow you to get to the edges without making a mess.
Scuff both the mount and the toon with sandpaper. Wipe with MEK to make sure all oil is off. Apply the glue to both surfaces and let tack up before putting it on.
I made a wood frame just big enough to outline the middle mount then put a battery on top and let it sit overnight.
That was two years ago on this boat.
[Image: 022.jpg]

If I understand correctly, you do the whole glue on process with the boat disinflated. A couple of questions...
1. Any worries about scuffing the Renegade with sandpaper? I don't want to weaken the boat's fabric.
2. Did you cut a circular hole in the wood frame to fit around the post of the mount?

Thank you once again.
Don't sand it that hard. 400 grit will work. Just scuff the shine off.
I am not sure of the hole in the frame question. The glue on mount is a pad with the center raised about 2" x 4" in the middle (not sure of exact measurements) where the rod holder base will be screwed on when done. So I basically made a rectangle box that went around this raise area to apply pressure to the pad.

[url ""][/url]
This is a video from NRS on gluing D-rings on raft. Gives good directions on prepping surface.

Keeping raft inflated works when adding D-rings but follow FG's suggestions on using Loctite for glue and keeping raft deflated. This approach works better with Scotty mounts.

[url ""][/url]
[quote jmach]Flygoddess,

If I understand correctly, you do the whole glue on process with the boat disinflated. A couple of questions...
1. Any worries about scuffing the Renegade with sandpaper? I don't want to weaken the boat's fabric.
2. Did you cut a circular hole in the wood frame to fit around the post of the mount?

Thank you once again.[/quote]
Inflate the boat, decide where you want the holder. Use a pen and outline the mount. Deflate the boat, then do what Joni and Kevin said.
Flygoddess, kandersonSLC, and mojorizing,

Thanks very much to all of you. These are great and very specific recommendations, and I'll follow them carefully.
How about E6000?

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