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Jordan River Fishing- May 20 2013
So I met up with another BFT member, PSoup, his brother, and his dad. We fished from like 4:30 till dark. So at the start, we were getting tons of bites(we were using both worms and sucker). Most bites weren't good enough to do anything with but then finally I caught a 13 or so inch carp Sad. Well he swam to some branches and got it all tangled up. In the midst of branches, there's some stupid like 4 or so foot strand of barbed wire that its tangled against. Anyway, all I remember is having to walk in to the branches to get the fish unstuck, and somehow in this process the hook got off of the fish and somehow got completely stuck in my thumb.

So yeah, I bit the line so I didn't have to hunch forward where I was stuck and walked to shore with the hook completely in my thumb. Luckly PSoup's dad was a doctor and pushed it out the other way. It hurt really bad but his dad did an amazing job and there's only two hoes in my thumb. I still have the sensation of having a hook in my thumb but it could be worse. Going to the doctor tomorrow to get a tetanus shot!

Anyway, after that incident, the Carp became a victim for bait fish. Shortly after, Psoup's brother caught another carp basically the size of mine. That one got to continue swimming for another day. Right after that Psoup's dad had a HUGE something (probably carp or sucker) on. unfortunately this 1 was much bigger and swam to an even bigger stick area than where mine went so we never got to see it Sad. So we found the money hole right? WRONG. We wasted another half hour there with little to no bites.

So we walk down to another spot and get some bites but they were nothing like the short period we experienced at the previous hole. we wasted time there before heading back to our original hole. This time we could see fish jumping everywhere but they sure weren't finding our poles. We wasted 30 or so mins there before going to 1 last hole. At the last hole there wasn't much action except when Psoup was away, his pole litterally slammed and came out of its pole holder into the river. It almost swamp to deep to get it, but he was able to get it but unfortunately the fish was gone by the time it got back.

Psoup blew his one chance! Haha but seriously, that was the worst fishing I can remember. 2 fish total using both worms and sucker/carp meat? Pathetic! Those fish weren't hungry or something. Oh well, Jeremy Wade goes through many struggles before finding the river monster he wants!
Looks like those hoes just love to much that you need a shots. Ha ha ha holes or hoes. I will go with the hoes part.[laugh]

Sounds like someone should just start fishing with me on the jr.
I might go to your spot on Sunday if I don't got work(that's not where we went yesterday). Also, this seriously was the worst fishing I have ever experienced using a worm. My sucker bait is now all gone and I suspect even the pieces that were there were coming to a end cause I had hardly any bites with it and none were even close to what you'd call good. 2 or 3 days before when it was raining, I fished in the rain and got wet but caught 2 and was seriously like 2 for 10 on what should have been catches. I've only been using sucker meat lately and caught that many...freaking since when do carp and suckers not love worms? Prob just a bad day but still!
Ha ha ha I'm not worried at least you don't know my kitty spot ha ha ha
You shouldn't motivate me like that. Guarentee I can and will find it!
The Journey Continues 5/21/2013!

So PSoup and I both go to spot number 1 and bam I catch a sucker right away. He should have been amazing fresh bait but instead we stayed in that hole for 20-30 more mins with nothing. Moved to spot number 2 and freakin 2 people fishing it >Sad. Move to spot 3...get there and have been fishing literally like 1 minute when all the sudden a lab comes and jumps off a cliff into the water and completely ruins our hole. He swam all around out hole and when the owner showed up she was mad and called him back and he swam back and somehow got stuck on tons of branches. Luckily he was either fairly young or in good shape cause if he was old, he would have been toast. He had to keep paddling to stay above the water for probably 10 or so minutes.

I was in my waders so I attempted to walk to help the dog but it was way to deep. What ended up happening was that she had to walk on this tree with the skinniest branches ever, and push the dog where he eventually swam a different route. Lets just say she's a lucky duck because I can't believe those branches were strong enough to hold her. Otherwise she and her dog probably would have drowned. But she got totally soaked and was in nice clothes so that's the only chuckle I got in, after completely scaring any fish that could have been there.

So we were out of holes in that area and had to drive else where. So we go to a totally new area and Psoup's cat pole is constantly getting smacks while mine isn't getting squat. Finally he gets a really good bite and the cat ran with it but it he wasn't ready and didn't hook it. Nothing happened after that for half hour untill we moved spots. In the new spots we experienced the "night life". Me and Psoup each got a mud cat. Was super small but Psoup got his first ever catfish! After those 2 fish we didn't get any but we had fun just talking and watching beavers in the moon light. They were huge! They'd swim and then dive and sound like a huge fish! Some jumped from cliffs into the water. It was a fun time. Psoup will be adding pictures soon lol.
I think someone got a little mad and poped the air bladder of that kitty with his fingure ha ha ha.

Those kitties make me want to head to my new spot soon. Fish is a fish better then getting skunked.
I checked google earth and think I know where your spot is. My experience with google earth is that it looks a little different in person but it is a good tool. The 2 mud cats we caught were only the 4th mud cat me or someone with me has caught this year. Only been getting channels. What's the record size mud kittie? Last week when it rained I beat my previous size one and this one was 15 inches and actually fat. Like 2 mins before I caught a dinky 12 inch channel and this guy was like triple it's thickness Smile.
Did the beaver pictures you took end up like crap? U should post them if not lol.
I told him to put his finger in its mouth cause they have that natural biting reflex when you do that lol.
Ha ha ha google map. You can't even find a good spot for fishing ever on the JR. My spots got more fish then you'd any day ha ha ha. Good luck.
Ha ha ha you guys weren't fishing you guys went noodling...
Your spots didn't the day I went with u lol we only got like 2 each that day. Dude the Jordan River is all about cycles. Sometimes one area is amazing, the the next week it's crap. Each section/area has its fair share of hot and cold spurts for fishing. Last year my spots made memories and no, I don't post most of my pictures on here. The fishing just sucked this week and I think I know exactly why and it's only verified by what I witnessed.

It's been raining lately and with how the last 2 days we haven't been doing good, I suspected maybe this rain knocked lots of bugs down and provided the fish with extra food. This was confirmed last night when I saw fly fishing posts of Jordan river catches. I didn't pay attention the previous nights before but there was a full moon out last night and if it was like that on the nights before then that's why they weren't biting well during the day.
How'd you know? [Wink]
What are you smoking!!! I've been catching 7-20 fish each day at my spots. Lets hope the white bass come out soon so I can slay the catfish at my kitty spot ha ha ha.
I saw a small amount of blood flowing down one of your fingers.
How long have you been fishing for when you go? This last week was the first time since February or March that I've used worms. When it was colder/should have been crappier, I was catching over 10 fish in 2 or so hours. I wouldn't know how worm fishing has been for the last 2 months because I've ONLY been using sucker/carp meat because I've been focusing on catfish. All I know is worms sucked the last 2 days and I see people posting fly fishing pictures catching them so I think flies are better right now because it's been raining. For cats, The best I've done so far is only a 24 incher but we'll get a better one. New Spots to big/deep not to have a beast. Plus I'm about to get my bike fixed and I can ride for over 10 miles ez.
Haha sure Smile.
Oh dang cause in the dark that would have been epic.

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