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intermediate sinking line advice
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[size 3]Hello everyone,[/size]
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[size 3]I am in need a of a anintermediate sinking line and wanted to know if any of you have a positive experience with sinking line that you would recommend. The stillwater lake I fish is mostly 5ft or less in depth....I really need a slow sinking line....floating line doesn't seem to get same results when stripping in leaches....[/size]
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[size 3]I currently own and use sinking lines type II SA and RIO brand III. both work great and are supple to cast and handle, but my presentation must be quicker and I want to be able to have slower action during winter months.[/size]
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[size 3]I bought a cortland camo intermediate sinking line a few years back for the slow sinking feature....I really dislike the memory that this line has...even in the summer, I don't really enjoy using this plastic(mono?) line. [/size]
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[size 3]If any of you have recommendations please let me know....[/size]
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[size 3]I don't mean for this post to be about brand bashing....the above mentioned are my opinions only....[/size]
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[size 3]I appreciate any recommendations by personal use. If you have negative experience please post as well...thanks![/size]
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[size 3]Match[/size]
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Hey lil Bro, check this out and it is $29.

I had some and it is supple.
I think that is exactly what I am looking for. I also ran into rio's line-up. They have come up with a new slower sinking line called the "hover" for stillwater fishing with chronomids....stuff like this. This line appears to be typical floating line material with the slow sinking rate of 1" per second....
I asked "Jimmy's" our local fly shop about it. they ordered one for me without obligation to buy...If supple like a regular dry line then I am sold.....

the orvis you posted is more tempting cause of price...i could even get two for the price of a rio...

rio's link for stillwater intermediate [url ""]hover[/url]
thanks for the heads up... now more choices....crazy how many options are out there
I mentioned the Hover a while back. Very slow sinkinb. Lynn Scott was gonna check on that for me.
so many types to choose from.

I have always been happy with rio fly lines...selective trout and rio grand...grand is great for casting with indicators...

I will wait and see how the rio looks physicaly before I decide on the orvis models...

I guess I should look at the weight/length of head for comparison of what would cast better with a heavy rig....
I like Rio as well. Just the $29 price tag. Orvis line doesn't suck. I do have one Orvis Glow in the Dark line that had a Rio label inside.,..hmmmmm. So who really makes line for Orvis?

I know what you mean about taper. Never think about that on a sinking line however, but why not. I bought some Sage Bass floating line from Sierra Trading Post. Man, the taper on that thing is extreme. It dang near pulled the rod out of my hands casting it...and it is FLOATING!!! Carp are gonna have to watch out now!
sis you got another lil bro I didnt know about.. ?? ... :-)

Match.. I have to agree with FG on this.. years ago she put me onto the orvis gen 3 lines and the times I have used it I loved it...

MacFly [cool]
Being a sucker for Rio,
I accidently bought two Idaho products today (online)...
Lamson Konic reel with the Rio Hover line.....I got half off the fly line with this combo...

Will give you guys feedback when i get a chance to use them.

Thanks FG/MAC!

tons of reviews out there too...
for the sake of information to everyone I would like everyone to know my final purchase....
the online store accidently sent me a rio outbound with sink tip 1ips....instead of the lake hover 1ips.
I casted both lines and the outbound sink tip casts like a has zero memory from my perspective it even has less coil then the floating portion of the line....the first 40' feet sinks relatively slow but quicker then I anticipated....

This line is super slick and supple....side by side with hover if you suspended them to the ground from waist you cannot see any coils on outbound sink tip...the hover although not bad memory, did have coils.

Thanks Match. Spoke to a dealer and I ordered the Hover, as per his experience. We shall see.
The hover did cast really well...
I think that possibly you will have better uniform sink since the whole line sinks....I noticed with the outbound the tip first 5 would sink...the middle floated and the area near my pole was sinking....I would give a cuople of tugs to coax the line to start sinking....maybe with more use it will sink first it just floated over 10 seconds to get sinking by tuging a bit....
it was a great trolling line....

Geez so many choices right? I didnt even know about the outbound hover model until I got it in the mail.....
I talked to Micky at Fish tech. There are three Outbounds

OUTBOUND SHORT: A short head version of the incredibly popular OutBound lines.
Extremely easy casting tapers that give ultimate distance
Ideal for wading and boat anglers and for coping with wind and big flies
Complete range of types and densities for all situations
New for 2012: WF5S1 - WF10S1 "hover" lines

The Outbound: Designed to load high performance rods quickly with few false casts
Supple coldwater core and coating, plus a thin tangle-free running line
Longest flight time for ultimate fishing distance

OUTBOUND CUSTOM: With a little celestial guidance, RIO has created the OutBound Integrated Shooting Taper.Designed to load high performance rods quickly with few false casts
Supple coldwater core and coating, plus a thin tangle-free running line
Features a level sinking head of 35 ft that can be cut to the perfect length and weight of individual rods, casting styles and fishing situations

Did you get the custom?
Not sure what I got....but sure its probably is not a custom.
the box has both tapers listed on the back...I guess I would have to measure....I assumed it was an outbound short 30ft head instead of the 37.5' head.

perhaps you can tell by these pics....the sink portion is light blue and the floating portion is bright yellow....another thing....the sink tip portion of the fly line is thick....twice as think as the lake hover....

please review pics and see if you can tell what I got????anyways will measure later

I have no idea till I get mine. That thicker head is why it shoots so well. That Sage line I told you about is huge at the shooting portion but man is it nice.
sorry forgot to attach pics ...they are on my last post
I would say it is the OUTBOUND. But holy cow, with 240 grains for the shooting head, no wonder it flies. The Sage is 230 grain and rated for an 8 wt.
Yes...if you dnt have enough line off your spool your fly rod gets jerked pretty i need a fast action rod....a little heavy for my current rod....

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