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Hookedlikeyou - Contest Fish

Post your contest fish here.
Here's my first two fish for the contest. The brookie went 19 and the hybrid went 21. Both were caught on a white tube tipped with a mealie at henrys lake on 11/25/11.
I'm scoreing 21.5 on the cut and 19 on the brookie. Nice job, that has moved you up to 2nd, for now.
Saw a dang nice hybrid come out of there today, unfortunately not on my rod. Kind of a slower day for us. The biggest today was another 19 inch brookie.
Another contest fish. This rainbow was caught on12/4 at Island Park Resevoir on a nightcrawler. Maybe a hair over 16 inches?
I feel pretty good about awarding 17 on the rainbow. If the fish had been even with the end of the tape, it might have went 17.5, but I just can't tell that for sure, so I rounded down. I'll update the official score card in another day or 2.

Why thank you sir. My hands were so cold I had a hard time taking the picture.
Kind of a small PaliSades fish, but a good start anyway. Caught on 12/11/11 at Big Elk on PaliSades res. on a nightcrawler. He might go 15. Brown trout.
A little better brown caught at Big Elk on PaliSades res. White tube tipped with sucker meat.
20.5 on the Brown. That puts you in the lead. Great job so far!
I think I got a brookie that may be an inch longer than the first one I entered. Henrys lake 12/14/11. Caught on a minnow.
I see 21 inches. Scored 2 better than your last by my count.
Maybe hookedlikeyou should get a job and go to work sometimes instead of ice fishing.......... ;0)

Congratulations on leading the contest at this point!
Got a little bigger rainbow today at Blackfoot Reservoir. White tube tipped with a mealie. 12/18/11
19 on the new rainbow.
Got off work early today and ventured out to the the shelley pond on the snake river. Got a chub that is about 10 inches, a brown that might be a half inch better than my other, and the big surprise, a perch. Didnt know they were in there. All fish were caught on a crawler. Ice is good at 12 inches.
10.5 on the chub, 7 on the perch, 22 on the brown. That puts you in first place and the most species for now.
Finally made it out to Mackay Resevoir. A Kokanee caught on a small pink tube tipped with a half a mealie. I was fishing halfway between the first boat ramp and the dam in 40 feet of water.
That's a fairly blurry picture, but I scored it as 13 inches.

That gives you 7 species! Way to go! You are the first one to 7. Are you going to continue to try and add species?
Yes I hope to add a few more species, just waiting for my favorite lake to freeze. Thanks on the score.

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