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Fished lost creek today with wiperhunter, started out about 7am trolled between 1-1.5mph 10-30ft down with downriggers using KCT spinners and Christenson's lake Shore tackle spinners behing custom sling blades.caught 20+ fish rainbows and cutts lots of little shakers. water temp was 70* was off the lake just after 1pm. Side note dont forget your invasive species paper they gave every truck in the parking lot a ticket except us.
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Jason, it looks like you have a sweet set up on your boat for your downrigger. I recently launched from Renegade and after going out for a couple hours remembered that I had forgotten to put my invasive species form in the window before heading out. I was sure happy to only find a warning under my windshield wiper.
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I noticed the DNR is hitting hard this year. Last time I was at Starvation I forgot to put mine in the windhshield. The officer came around and was more interested in the truck with a boat trailer attached not having one then I did. My wife was talking to him. Apparently they are not too worried about inflatables for some reason. I still have it though.
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Another good day on the pond, the only thing that would have made today better is if there were kokanee in lost creek. I need to PM Drew and find out if that is possible[:/]. Thanks for the trip Jason, here is another pic of your boat and another of the shore by the boat ramp.
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New outhouse !!! I'm headin up there for sure now !
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The lake is within a few feet of being full so you don't have to back down too far to launch. Yes, that is a new out house, they moved it from the other side of the parking lot. Other than that pretty much the same.
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No wake is another plus to that place.We did well earlier this summer tossin crawdad colored tubes toward the bank and bouncing them back to the boat.Some decent Cutts to be found there.I love all the water levels in our lakes this year....fall fishin will be awesome.
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I would love to see more of Utah's water with Kokanee in them.
Do you think that there is a chance of that happening?
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Tell me more about this invasive paper that is supposed to be in the vehicle. Is this something that every boat should have at all the lakes? What about Strawberry? Thanks for the help.
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Glad to hear Lost Creek is picking up. Wish I was a troller/downrigger, then I would give it a shot. Maybe this ice season though?
Still very good report and experience. Thanks for sharing it with us.
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[quote TyeDyeTwins]Glad to hear Lost Creek is picking up. Wish I was a troller/downrigger, then I would give it a shot. Maybe this ice season though?
Still very good report and experience. Thanks for sharing it with us.[/quote]
If your intrested next time i have an open seat ill let you know. I have open seats often, i was stood up for fishing twice last week
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[quote DKStroutfitter]I would love to see more of Utah's water with Kokanee in them.
Do you think that there is a chance of that happening?[/quote]
Hey Dale, sorry it has taken so long to get a reply but after sending several PMs to Drew C I gave up and ask another DNR guy for some info. I was given a couple of phone numbers and got a hold of Wes Pearce and found out there has been some talk about stocking kokes in Lost Creek but.... it sounds like there is a big chub problem that needs to be brought under control before they can stock kokanee. So... the DNR is planning on putting a slot limit on the cutts in LC, just like Strawberry, to help get the chub problem under control, then, if that works, they will stock kokes but, if it doesn't work they are talking about poisoning the lake and starting all over[unimpressed]. I guess it will be years before it happens but it sounds like there is a chance.
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So it may happen but not in my lifetime.
Perhaps my kids will get the benefit of Kokanee in LC.
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At least there is a chance but lets hope it happens sooner rather than later[:/].
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i was up there the other day with a bud and the same convesation come up why the hell dont they have kokes in here with the depth. we killed em on needle fish and alot of big rainbows. 2 pounds and better with a occasional 19inch cut if i could fig out a way id stock it myself. it will take years to get it through these buracratec wenners.this is not rocket science put a few thousand in there and see how they do and why they are at it put some of those cutts into porki to start eating the sardines that are in there.the size goes down every year. o ya petty iwas pretty standanard on my presintation just a needle fish on 6 pound p line 23 for me woodpile i think had 9 and that would be pushing it aint it amasing how one downrigger catches more fish than the other.[laugh][laugh][laugh]
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Dude,,,You need to learn where that spell check button is when you drink beer and post,,,LOL