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FOUND a Creek Company ODC 420
Hey guys- I found a Creek Company ODC 420 Outdoor Discovery Craft in a ditch off the side of I-25 before the AULT exit in Fort Collins CO on June 28th 2011. I wanted to return it to its owner if possible. If you have heard of or know of someone losing this item could you post back or call me at 970-232-5968.

Welcome to the site Tony, I'm going to move your post over to the Colo board, hopefully someone there will know someone who lost it.
That's very nice of you. I hope the person who lost it checks here.
Were you able to find the owner yet?
Nope... Still waiting for someone to respond on the message boards where I posted it.
Hope you find the owner. If not it looks like you will have a new turn e.

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