11-27-2001, 01:47 AM
South Carolina Weekly Shallow Saltwater Fishing Report<br>Week of 11-18-01 through 11-24-01<br><br>At this late a date in the year, I’m going to assume that the wind is not going to let up and give us a break. It’s been blowing now for 11 months so there’s really no reason to think it’s going to stop now. I was out of town for most of the week but Tommy had some really good trips in spite of the wind. He had to resort to cut and live bait and anchoring to catch them, but that seemed to work just fine. One day they came in early because of the weather but they still had 6 reds. On the next two days, they found some big fish in the grass, caught some of them, and broke off several really big ones. They also found some trout one day and several flounder on another. We have some flyrodders scheduled for this week so we’re hoping we’ll have decent weather. With all the small reds that are around, it shouldn’t be too hard to find a few on the fly, if the wind will only let us. Nothing much more to report for the week but I’m hoping that this one will give us a chance to show just how good it can be here during this time of year.<br><br>The totals for the week were: reds totaled 29 fish; trout totaled 11 , and flounder totaled 4 .<br><br>Thanks, Gene Dickson<br><br>Delta Guide Service http://www.deltaguideservice.com<br>Georgetown, SC<br>1-843-546-3645<br><br>Our new e-mail address is: Delta-Guide-Service@sc.rr.com<br><br>We are a saltwater fishing guide service located on the coast of South Carolina.