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Help, line keeps snapping on casts
I have 30 lb spider wire on a heavy rod and I have lost 3-4 lures on the cast. I have trimmed off my line every couple 10 casts and always trim my line after a catch.

Did I just get a bad spool? Yesterday I even snapped my line on a cast while throwing a little spinner that didn't weigh anything.

Anyone had this before?
What kind of reel are you using? If it is old line, unspool, and then respool the line back wards. In other words about half of the line you have on has actually been exposed and used, if u reverse the line, the line you cast should be like new. Or maybe its a case of the knot slipping out, what kind of not do you use. I know from expirience that a clinch not with braid can result a lost lure.
check the eyes on your rod
scrap it.take it a reciept?there is no way 30lb spiderwire should ever break ,unless your throwin 5lb sinkers.i used 30 for a little while,and it bent hooks , brought back pieces of stumps, and even lassoed a loose canoe.
Braids have high over all breaking strength under a constant strain yet have low shock strength. Braid has a low diameter so it can not take sudden strain as well as mono per lb. That being said If your lures are over 3/4ounces the sudden shock would be too much for your line. That is the reason why muskie fishermen use braid from anywhere to 65lb-100lb. You should also do as others have suggested. You can check you line guides with a q tip and if the qtip gets snagged or leaves behind traces you have an abraision. You could also be getting your rod tip wrapped if the tip has been skewed at all in position. Polamer knots have worked best for me for braid. I ran into these same problems with braid and had to learn what worked best with my presentations. Good luck and Good fishing.
This is typical of dry rotted or sun bleached line.

Dry rotting acurs from being old where sun bleached line can happen any time. aka left near a heater or dash board or turnk of car, or just left out side in the eliments for long periods of time.

another thing you can look for is a scratch on your eye rings, or grove of your retrieving system to see if there is any thing cutting the line.

the other thing that causes line snaps on cast is knots in your line.,

and one last thing, I knew this kid once some 40 years ago who would reel in his line all most all the way in and in his back wind his lure would fall between the line and rod on the end of his rod between the tip and second eyelet. needless to say, he too kept snapping lures off in to the sunset..

the cure was to teach him to stop his back cast from a perfect up right over head to some kind of an angle and leave just a little more line between the lure and the tip of his rod.
Walleyeman is correct,I seen it happen exactly how you are talking about.Check the first couple of guides starting at your tip.That chiped ring can be very sharp.This could of been avoided using simple maintenance,treat your weapon like you would no other....This is my weapon,this is my rod,this is for hunting,this is for fun...Paulpro.[Image: bobwink.gif]...a bad day fishing is another mans dream....Sorry,I hope you recovered most of those lures.Line may look fine ,but as soon as it hits that sharp spot,its cut...let us know what it was,it almost sounds like your using a slip knot.[laugh]It would be a good idea to start getting rods with metal rings to avoid porcelain rings. I'm using those as my tip for some rods...This goes too for guys who like to wind their bait up to the tip.
Checking the guide rings is probably right.

A more unlikely cause, if you're using a baitcaster would be a micro backlash. I've lost lures while casting (even with heavy line) because for an undetectable backlash occurring.
If that is the case..try thumbing the spool a tiny bit harder during the cast.
good luck Smile

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