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Bought a Eskimo mako 10 inch and she drills the first two holes with ease then starts boggin down and then dies. It starts right up just after two holes, I have to re start and then it boggs down and sometimes stops it still is running just no power like when you first start her up and suggestions?
Check the gas cap and see if their is a screw valve thing(dont know what its called[blush]) Open it up and it should run like a champ. I think it must have to do with the air.
Do you mean the vent?[Wink]
FOD is right. Ice auger motors have a screw vent on the gas cap. If you don't open that valve before you start the motor it will slowly create a vacume against the pull of the carb, thereby starving the motor of fuel. Just make sure you close it when you shut the motor off. Especially if you lay the auger on the ice instead of drilling a stand hole (you're gas will leak out the vent. it doesn't make for a good fishing day)
theres a post on the ice fishing forum that goes into detail on your exact problem.. its ice auger problems? should tell you everything youll need to know
Cool didnt even thing about that too busy trying to get the hole drilled so the little guy can clean them and get to fishing the funny thing is my boy will not let anybody fish until everyones hole is cleaned out and then he wants everyone to get ready and he will say ready GO! And he acts like he his dropping his line but his is jigging little cheater. We tell him to quit cheating he tells us to learn how to fish.

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