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Taurus Millenium PT145
I just recently picked up a Taurus PT 145 for the purpose of concealed carry. I wanted to share my observations about this pistol for those of you that are shooters.

First, I wanted to tell the story about how I came about this pistol. I was originally looking at a Glock 27 .40 Cal. I actually had a down payment on it. I'm not a big fan of anything smaller than a .40, atleast not for splitting wigs. I was snooping around the gun cases one day, which I visit from time to time. I noticed 3 taurus Millenium PT 145's in the used case. I asked the guy what the deal was with those pistols. He told me that all three only had about 3 clips through them. He said that the story was the same for all three guns. A rookie shooter would buy the .45 ACP in the subcompact thinking it would be a cool target shooting gun. After a couple clips of being discouraged by the round's heavy recoil, they returned the guns and bough 9 mm. DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELLO!!!!!!!!! Novice shooters and weekend warriors don't need to buy a .45 That's just common sense. So I capitalized. 325 bucks out the door with two clips, hard case, manual, etc... Might as well be a new gun, as Taurus has a lifetime transferable warranty.

Now that we have that out of the way, about the gun. I purchased some Magitech ammo for the gun at the gunshop. I've never shot magitech before, and wouldn't have bought it, but no one around the area has any ammo on the shelf. Go figure. (Thanks Obamma Beoch) The first clip was an orientation process. It actually has a good bit of recoil, but after the first clip, I was able to adjust my grip and compensate for it. After that, the gun shoots very nicely. In a tea cup at about 35 meters or so. The biggest problem was with the Ammo. Magitech is the worst ammo i've ever shot. Out of a 50 round box, I had five duds. It was all ammo, not gun. I checked the depth that the firing pin struck discharged rounds versus the ones that didn't deploy. The depth and strike was identical. That's bad ammo, and I was not impressed. Especially since I had to pay a premium to get it.

The Taurus is also very easy to tear down and has high quality components. I'm sold on Taurus after this purchase. The price is right, the warranty is transferable, and the gun is very high quality. It's not a Sig, but's it's a fine firearm. Word to the wise though, if you're not an experiance shooter, don't buy a .45 in a subcompact. You'll get your feelings hurt.

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