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perch ?

So I don't know that much about perch but see to be OK at catching them. In short .... 1) is perch good eating .. and 2) what size would be considered a "good" catch (for eating or other wise) I was bringing in fish that I would say were 7 or 8 inches. toss em back (I did) eat them up or a little of both (I would most likely fall into that second category, I don't like to just take a fish just because I got it, this is a sport after all)

thanks [fishin]

P.S. is there a search function here ??? I cant seem to find it, I would love to took up answers if I can and not just ask every question that pops into my head.
Perch are one of, if not, the best fish to eat in fresh water. I wouldn't waste your time with anything under 8". They take too long for what you get. A 12" perch is a hog, and a 14" perch is newsworthy. A 16" perch is a record.
As for your inquiry about search, look up about 9" from this post and it is in the blue bar. Here is a link to the search engine. Hope it helps.
Also, don't be afraid to ask any questions here. Someone will eventually answer it or point you in the right direction.[Smile]
thanks for the perch info [Smile]

on the search function I meant more topic specific, when I search that one I tend to get a wash of general hits. As a suggestion I think It would be good to have a search function linked to the specific forum topic. i.e. in the pan fish forum .... search "eating perch" or something like that
Other input also welcome

I will forward this to the powers that be and see what they have to say. I can almost bet there is not a way to do this at the moment.[:/]
cool thanks [Smile]

Dont get me wrong though, I am not knocking any thing, I love the sight

what you ask for already exist.

here is how you use it.

[ul][li]Click on [url ""]Search[/url] [/li][li]When the page oepens[/li]
[ol][li]under search select the board you want with the drop down menue[/li][li]under search string enter the terms you wich to search such as perch[/li][li]under type of search select from the drop down menue one of the three options whole prase, the other options will look up post with every word you type in the under search string box[/li][li]under show post from the last you can select the time period as to how far back you want the search to run or you can have all of them come up by picking a time period from the drop down menue.[/li][li]under only show post made by you can select the member to whom you want to do the search on or you can leave it open and it will search for all post made by every one who has placed perch in the title or content of their post.[/li][li]under sort by leave it at relavance unless you are looking for a cronological time list. using relavance will pull up matches that most match your search criteria.[/li][li]under number of post per page will determine the number of matches that will show up on a page. they will still all come up, there will just be more pages with fewer number of matches on a page.[/li][/ol][/ul]
here is what I come up with after doing the search on the perch board just using the word perch, adding more words to the search criteria will make the matches more spiciffic...

[ul][li]Your search for Perch returned 68 results. Posts are currently sorted by date - [url ";search_forum_id=164;search_string=Perch;search_forum_type=forum;search_forum=forum_164;search_fields=sb;search_type=AND;sb=score;mh=50"][#314fb1]re-sort by relevance[/#314fb1][/url]. [/li][/ul]

[ul][li]Your search for Perch returned 68 results. Posts are currently sorted by relevance - [url ";search_forum_id=164;search_string=Perch;search_forum=forum_164;search_forum_type=forum;search_fields=sb;search_type=AND;sb=post_time;mh=50"][#314fb1]re-sort by date[/#314fb1][/url]. [/li][/ul]
thanks man [blush]

I guess I was not looking right, thanks for the good info.

It turned out to be user error as is often the case. I was trying to search in the bar in the top right of the page, not the SF in the light blue bar on top of the posts .


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