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Freshwater Game Fish - All fish species except endangered and threatened species. This includes trout, char, grayling, salmon, muskellunge hybrids, carp, bullhead, wiper, saugeye, smelt, splake, black bass, walleye, northern pike, bass, crappie, sunfish, whitefish, catfish, drum, shad, perch, sucker, topminnow or minnow.

Hi lonehunter,

Thanks for the many contributions. I have compiled about 2,500 terms and have added descriptions. I welcome all terms as sometimes someone will write a description that adds more info or is just plain ol more concise than what I've done.

Again, thanks and I'll review whatever comes this way.

thank's for the reminder ron . i have more and will get them to you as soon as i can . i have a compitition with dave for a coffee and donut that i have really goten into , i love my coffee , the donut is a bonus !

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