Jason - I'm all for it, bud! I've seen my fair share of small trout laying near the banks and stuffed in people's coolers - it makes me sick. so, along with teaching people to properly C&R we should increase the size limit for trout. OR, at the very least, increase the number of "gold medal" type waters in any given state. (artificial flies and lures only) Even that would help, because it would cut back the amount of stocking the state has to do on many more lakes and, at the same time, we'd have more quality fisheries.
it's not like it takes any skill to catch a 6-8 inch trout, ya know? so let them grow by increasing restrictions! people would be more conscious of C&R procedure by doing so also, because they'd be worried about getting that game warden crossing their path and looking at the dead 6" trout laying near the bank.
someone might say "well, if you increase the size restrictions on these trout the kids won't get to have their fun!" wrong! there are plenty of bluegill and other panfish fisheries in most states and they're easy as sin to catch - providing children with plenty of fun to be had...and I'm all for taking kids fishing. not only that, but I've seen plenty of 10 to 15 inch trout take worms or minnows fished on a bobber...so kids aren't in any real danger of losing the fun factor.
anyway, I see only positives from increasing the size restriction and am glad you posted about it. [