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eleven mile canyon....again
hitting it up again tomorrow, now that i know why i wasent landing any of the hooked fish i had. will post once again with all the details/pictures i have... on a side note, i guess the regs changed this year. you are allowed to fish by any means all the way up to springer gulch. the old man is taking some night crawlers up tomorrow. it is also no longer catch and release from srpinger gulch down, state bag and possesion limits apply.
Thanks hochanut-

In all the years I've lived here I've never frished that canyon. It sounds like I really should make the effort!
the old man and i destroyed th canyon again. him with night crawlers and me with my fly rod. he caught browns i caught browns also, until we got below the spill way and this fat litle guy nailed my stone fly...

sorry for the wierd pic, i wanted him back in the water asap.
hrmm pic dident add...
You find that one floating like that bass in Virginia? Shrink your pictures or face a one week ban on BFT!!!
im shaking in my space boots. anywho tomorrow the plan might be to hit Cheesman Res to do some kokanne fishing. if the wind blows us off the lake ill fish below the dam with the fly rod again.
scratch cheesman. just checked its closed for two reasons. 1) some fire last year, and 2) closed 1jan until 30apr. trying to argue with the old man on where to go right now~!
I wonder if you can fish those old "CF&I Lakes"!!! Remember those? Should see if you can get into there and catch a few Largies!!! If you cant get in......sneek in!!!
i would assume they are full of carp. howevere they are all private club lkaes anyway and well gaurded.

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