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Summer Planning: New Fish Finder
Ok so the wife's green lit a new sonar purchase this spring, on what I concider a good budget to work with, around $500. I want A: POWER, I'm getting more into Koke fishing and my current POS finder just doesnt have the oomph. I'm thinking at least 2k watts, shooting for double that. Next a good display, lots of information easily shown to the user.

So far I've done alot of research and the one I like the most is the Matrix 47 3D. I love the idea of seeing where fish and structure is relative to the boat. Reviews on it also seem fairly favorable. It has 8000 watts of power which should lend itself well to serious target resolution. Heres a link on it:

[url ""][/url]

Anyone know much about this model? What other models around the same price range should I look into? Nows a good time to research this to get ready for a spring purchase... its enough money I want to get the decision right Smile

Increase your budget about $900 and get a hummingbird with the side imaiging so you can borrow it out to all your good freinds at BFT.[angelic]

Increase your budget about $900 and get a hummingbird with the side imaiging so you can borrow it out to all your good freinds at BFT.[angelic]

FF462 [/reply]

I've seen some of the images from those... I can see trees or other objects like that pretty easy but for the life of me I cannot see fish on the display. I'm not sure what I'm even supposed to be looking for... very confusing and due to that, I think I'll stick to a more traditional finder.

I agree though they produce some killer pictures of debris like tires and whatnot on the lake bottom, but suspended fish? Really damn hard to make out.

Example, what is a fish in this picture??? Debris I see. Trees I see, conture of the bottom... but fish?
[Image: 987_sonarsplit.jpg]

On the flip side, with this I see the conture of the lake bottom, as well as any fish positioned around the boat... very clean and easy to read.

[Image: matrix47_glamour.jpg]

your pics didn't work[shocked]
I have a Humminbird 383c, and the favorite features for me are color display and built in gps. Whichever model you choose, I would seriously consider going with a color unit.
Ok, I'll research the color finders a bit more... but I'm still having a tough time understanding why the 3d with its 6 beams would be a bad thing. Traditional finders show anything in a single large cone below your transducer. The Matrix3d has 6 smaller cones, spread out in different directions. The return signals are analysed and you get a 3d representation of the area below your boat. Fish to the left of your boat are distringuished from those on the right etc etc. Structure is shown better in 3d.

I've dug around trying to find out whats bad about this type of system... I mean there has to be or lots of people would be using it. I dont make alot of big purchases very often so I do alot more research to hopefully get it right the first go around.

[url ""][/url]

My budget is around $500 and I'll be making the purchase when the ice comes off this spring. I do appreciate everyones suggestions and tips though. I just wish there was a clear cut winner to buy.

save yourself some money for that one $443.00 free shipping

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