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Yesterday I took one of my former students and his dad fishing out of the Upper Harbor Marina in Marquette, MI. We were aboard the "Talon" (my boat) at 8 AM; by 8:30 we had the lines down and our first Laker...about 4.5 lbs. We were trolling about a 1/4 mile from White Rocks fishing depths from 90 to 175; most of the fish were taken in 160 or so. We were using Charteuse, hammered,Silver Streaks with about a 15' lead on the weights. We ended up with 6 very nice eaters. Starting at about six lbs. and going down to about 4 lbs. All natives and in the "pink". Ye Haa....great eating.
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sounds like a good trip out , i've been trying from shore and haven't gotten one yet ( flyrod ) . hope to be as lucky as you soon . thanks for the report !
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Hi , lonehunter here ,
I see it's been a while since you have been to the BigFishTackle boards . With the spring runs about to begin I thought this would be the perfect time to get you reaquanted with the boards and into the free contests here . We not only have the weekly tackle give -a -way for members but we also have the 16 species contest and the product testers wanted board as well . if you need any help at all stop by the michigan board and give me a shout , i'll be right on it .
Thanks !
your fishing pal , lonehunter
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Thanks for the response, Lone Hunter. Been going over tackle and lures, etc. Getting ready for some Spring Fishing. The only real open water is in the Upper Harbor of Marquette by the bublers. Got to get the 12 footer out of mothballs. Tight lines.[reply]
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yea me too . i've been hitting the east side for some steel and then this storm blows in on the first of the run . it just pushed them back into the holes . hopefully next weekend for sure ! what waters do you fish the most ? i'm signing off for the night but will be back around 4pm.
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I saw on one of them fshing shows last week that folks are catching crappie off shore and in the creeks up that way, is there any truth to this?
do you guys get a smelt run up your way?
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0 name the waters I fish the most would be like giving you my fishing log......that's kinda of a quiet and secret bit of recon info. Remember "Jonni" (Voelker), he thought there were too many kiss and tell fisherman. Wouldn't want to be in that group, Lonewolf.
Davetclown: Catching Crappie offshore in Lake Superior would be like catching Jona the Whale. In my 35 years of fisnhing the mouths of Lake Superior I have never caught a Crappie. Maybe somebody fed you some "Craapi".
We used to get great smelt runs in the sixties and seventies....tapering down to virtually nothing in the nineties. Today, sporadic runs occur in some of the rivers aroun L'Anse and Munising. Too many rivers full of silt and the planting of Salmon and Lakers have had a toll on the Smelt.
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actualy they were talking the oposite shore, more so on one of the larger lakes up that way, If memory serves, I think it was big manistee lake. I would have to look at a map to be sure, it was one of the largest lakes on the southern side of the antler of the up. (lake michigan side) I forget some times how far north Marquette realy is.
I had a frend that moved down from up your way back around 1915-20, he still has family up that way. his dad was a copper miner and moved down detroit way when the auto plants started offering $5.oo a day per man to work on the assembly lines. the last time he visited his home land he had to take a farrie boat out of travers city to get across.
the Family name is O'Connelle.
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yea , my wife has a friend up there too , all i know is his name is jay , he's been up there around 13 years , married a girl from there . he's originally from the cheyboygan area . i'll get his last name tomorrow .