10-09-2007, 11:49 PM
Well while I was in the process of finishing up the repairs on the outdrive I noticed water dripping out of the front of the boat and to my dismay found a leak in the patch job the previous owner had done on the boat. This turned out to be the tip of the iceberg. I found that no mater what I did or what angle I couldn't get that hole to stay dry so I drilled a couple of holes going down the boat about 4 ft and they all leaked a little. So I ran a propane heater on it on and off for a few days and found that it still didn't dry. Next I cut a hole in the floor and found the problem. The previous owner had replaced the flooring, but instead of putting the waterproof insulation stuff under there that makes the boat float he filled the front of the boat with spray in insulation so every ounce of water that has ever been in the boat is still in that sponge like stuff. Needless to say the floor was completely rotted under that and there was about 6 to 8 gallons of water trapped in there. I filled a trash barrel all the way to the top with it and finally got it all tore out of there and it looks like I will be able to dry the fiberglass out and get the holes patched, but it will be a little bit of a mess and I will have to replace all the ply flooring at the front of the boat because it was rotted. The
thing is I keep that thing covered really well so all the water in there is just bilge water. So to all you who replace the floors in your boat DONT PUT SPRAY IN FOAM IN THE FRONT OR YOU ARE ASKING FOR A NIGHTMARE. Hopefully I will at least get the boat out once more before the end of the year,
Jed Burton

Jed Burton